<January 14, 1998>
...and This is Super Duck. I really wanted to draw a duck with a beak (mainly because of the beak) and then I turned it into Super Duck, defender of truth, justice, and cream pies filled with nothing but cream!
This is Super Duck saving (stealing) a pie from an over hungry, large man (not pictured... wouldn't fit!).
I was watching Timon and Poohmba on the Disney Channel (it has some great animation!) and I saw the funniest creature... a guinea foul!!! They were so goofy, but mine didn't turn out as funny looking but more innocent. All of these (pretty much) are © Disney.
You could choose to just ignore this one, but then again you could choose to click on it. This is when I decided to get REAL toony.
This is Sox in Wacky Land!!! I really wanted to draw a funny, weird, goofy looking creature so I decided the best enviroment to do that in would be Wacky Land.
Shenobi's field mouse morph. No bigger than four inches when on her haunches. This is _very_ old, drawn in ink then watercolored.
a picture for my Nimh sequel project. in her dream,Mrs.Brisby recalls the scene where Nicodemus told her her husband's © Ken Singshow "The Secret of Nimh" and all related material © Mrs.Brisby Ltd.
My Attempt at making a Red Panda... Colored in Photoshop. She's supposed to be cute. :)
A picture I drew and coloured of Trixi and Tet in a touching love scene. Awww. Such an adorable couple. :) Trixi © Candy Lewin Tet © Ryan Dewalt
My Cute Cat. Meow
That's me! I'm standing on frozen Lake Monona in front of the newly constructed Monona Terrace Convention Center (Originally designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1938) in Madison Wisconsin (Jan 1997)
A sketch done in Steve Plunkett's sketchbook. My first prairie dog, Prairie Pearl is a character from a children's TV show, "ImagineLand". This was inked with a fine point felt tip marker because it was the only thing I had at the time.
<January 14, 1998>