<December 27, 1997>
Sox got hisself a new big gun. Whee! I wonder what this button does? © Me!
Sox got hit with a cute dart and was aged backwards, all the way until his pants and shoes were one in one of those baby things... Ummm... © me again!
I'm late! Late! As in the late Dyethomasdye! Ah well... family was here at Xmas (still here in fact) but I had time for a couple of b'day pics, beginning with Terry "Jimmy Mousio" Sender's. Happy 20th!! One more year and you can buy alcohol! (Hehe...) ;)
Four of the morphs of Carri-Vixen of FurToonia! Can you identify the character references? I guess the one at farthest right would be easy, eh? Hey, could I borrow that neuralizer for a sec, I'd like the phone company to forget about billing me!
Angus draws a pistol on a small bird. It's just a doodle - I don't advocate the point-blank execution of cutesy cuddly widdle birdy-wirdies, I'm not a psycho. Guys? Guys? Where's everybody gone?
Czanad contemplates a packet of Bran-O-Rama for some reason or another.
The last pic I did of my friend Cinosanap seemed to have a bit of a flaw in it...i messed up her coloration (well, it happens :) ), so this is a revised pic I did of her. This isn't her standard clotthing, but I'd thought I'd try something new on Cino, as she has more than enough pics of her in her old clothes! Cinosanap is <c> her player.
<December 27, 1997>