<November 14, 1997>
Vicki Fox is © and TM of Michael Russell - the first to e-mail me after I'd joined the SCFA. Thanks, Michael! :)
This is my two-minutes (ok,10minutes) cartoon,"Never ever drink milk-like substance on cartoonist's desk while he's busy white-out ing, even when it is sitting next to a milk pack". ------based on the true story------
After a long conversation with my boyfriend on the subject of animal spirits, I was inspired. This is the animal spirit I came up with for my friend, Angela's animal spirit is © me...
The product of boredom in my english class...she doesn't look too happy does she? Anyway, she's © me...
Well, I was bored in trig a couple of days ago and decided I needed to draw. The result: a pointless model sheet I like to call "The Faces of Kate"...for those of you waiting for your commisions to be done, I am working on them! Kate is © me...
A female gargoyle warrior named Melanie...Mel © me...
You asked for it! Another Powerful Attraction!
This pic originates from a @shout I made on FluffMuck that had several fursons in hysterical laughter (although I have no idea why) Anyway: Aechla blinks, and glides across your screen, a sign waving behind her, attached to her tail, "I have popcorn. Do you have popcorn? Mwahaha!" Aechla is © me.
The time wrinkle story continues... as the Observant One finds herself unable to get back to sleep after her strange dream, she discovers that her two brothers are awake as well, and for much the same reason...
This /was/ a shabby pencil sketch I sent to Brenden Smith, aka Kangaroo Boy, until he inked it. Now it's rather spiffy. =o) Due entirely to his efforts, of course. =o) [Roos with prehensile tails? Why not?]
Thank you, Sully! And here's... YOU! Sully Fox having a quiet read on a nice sunny day. No wonder he looks happy, check out the book title...
<November 14, 1997>