<November 12, 1997>
I was having a good day. Yes I made a crazy looking green fox because I'm happy. That day I had no homework, 3 off periods, and two lunches! Awww, school <-- you'll probably never hear me say this again, get your kicks now!
Let's just say if there were try-outs for Hamlet, Sox wouldn't get the part he's out for in this picie.
Umm... you can either read the text or keep wondering. I finally saw the talked about (or at least where I go) show, Sailor Moon. So I did Sox's hair up? T'ain't he just kyooOOoote! By the way, that's not my handwriting.
I've been playing WAAAY too much Quake lately. In this one I made Sox out as one of the space marines in the game, all polygonal (spelling?).
Two pics in one week? New record of mine ;) Anyways, this is Dekker, another of my characters on FM. He doesn't usually smoke :)
Tim, the dragon. Purple and black. Don't get me wrong, the penant he's wearing is for character development: I'm a devout Catholic.
Colored version of Kolibri!Yay!Whatever!Kolibri is ©SEGA(tho I kinda took the liberty to draw her in a cartoony/Animeish way,unlike the more realistic version!)
I was inspired to draw this after hearing the song 'King Nothing'. This one has Wolfrook in the starring role.. his usual self.. Well, you know what they say "King for a day, fool for a lifetime"
Installment No. 1 in my "Powerful Attractions Department"
This is Deek, a four old squirrel character I made up one night. I've been pestered for pictures of him for a while now, so here he is. :)
I hate to admit it, but I fell asleep in a lecture for the first time ever last week. It was an object oriented programming lecture, which just goes to show how intresting OOP lectures really are. Anyway, when I'm not rendered unconcious by the lecturer's sparkling reparte, I'm usually trying to keep myself awake by doodling in the front page of my notebooks. Don't ask me how the tie fighter and the death star made it in there though.
I started a drawing of Chibi Gwendel praying, and it developed into a small picture guide to salvation. Okay, so there's not that many steps, but that's because it's so simple...
I think sugargliders are really cute, so I gave Aechla a sugarglider morph. It's pretty close to the actual markings and body structure of a real glider, and I tried placing her in a pose that resembles how a glider would perch. Aechla is © me.
The time wrinkle story continues as Fyodor gets a buzz on his cellular from his troops about some activity on one of the rooftops... as noBrainR is lost in reverie...
Mechanix. I have no idea what so ever... just seemed kind of a wierd idea, so I drew it.
Just some mouse guy. Kind of magicianish looking.
<November 12, 1997>