<November 10, 1997>
Another one of my philisophical "Just Draw" things. Yeah, I know it's not that good, but I drew it at 10:00 pm in hardly any light. I don't have an overhead light in my room, darn!
Sox decided to join the WWF. After his first fight he resigned. I wonder why?...
Char sheet o' yet another char I play as somethimes,Kolibri.Kolibri's © SEGA.
Ever seen the game "Marvel Super Heroes"?Ever seen the char Blackheart?Then here's a badly sketched version of Blackheart as a *************hedgehog************!Blackie here(real one)is ©Marvel
AWWWWWWW!!!!Voltzy n'n Kompy!AWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!They both,well Kompy is ©me and Voltz is©His player.
Science Fiction cliche #2: Warrior feline aliens. A Raal guard, from a GURPS Space game that I'm running.
Another random bunny doodle. What I wonder is why the wind is blowing her ears and not her hair? My favorite answer: <drum roll> Hare spray. Thanks to David for that bit of cornball.
A tribute to Cinosanap, local godess of beauty and love (well, uninhibitiveness at least ;) ). I hope she likes my tribute-pic to her majestic self. *heh* One can be a bit more suttle when asking for such things however, Cino...:)
A quick pic I did of my friend Courtney on FurryMUCK. Although simple, it has a nice look to it don't you think? Courtney © her player, hope you like it :)
CrystalSkunk, a friend of mine on FurryMuck. Awww, how can an innocent face like that do anything wrong? CrystalSkunk is © her player (as is Cinosanap, forgot to put it in the pic I did of her. Sorry Cino! )
My first comissioned pic! This is a pic Fazaar (hope the name's right...) wanted of him and his lady-love (who are unfortunately seperaded by a considerable distance in RL) so I tried to make it a bit extra-special for them :) Fazaar (and friend) are © their respective players
Look ma, a fuzzy pic that's NOT k00te and cuddly :). I love doing the fantasy-type artwork, but up 'til now I've always done elves, humans ect.(stuff not fit for the SCFA!). So I finally broke my barrier between anthro and fantasy. Hope you like it!
<November 10, 1997>