<November 4, 1997>
Well, here's some one that's been rollong around my head ever since I learned that Zorro meant fox in spanish ;) So here's a new character, unfortunately, at this time I have to deal with a cheesey scanner. So any who, unless someone out there claims this name, I may just calim it for myself :)
Ever wonder why Barney's so stupid?? It's because some freakin' kid burned half of his brain off. Imagibe the kids at home watching this: ?Mommy? What does @#$!!& mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA--- SHUT UP!!!
Old pic blah blah blah blah blah BLAH BLAH rescanned in better quality blah blah blah Squaresoft blah blah....
You know what I HATE?!?!? I HATE that FRIGGIN' hot guy who keeps on bugging me!!! He needs to wake up and realize that it's almost friggin' WINTER!!! YEAH!!!!!
This is a cool pic!! It has Azy, EG, Shades, Mark, and Howie in Samurai Pizza Cat getup... It also has a Samurai Pizza Snail.... I put the snail in there because I like spinach...
A drawing of Winx the crocodile. I drew Winx because she is cool. Everyone I draw is cool.... except for ONE person... Yeah, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!! YEAH!!! Winx is © by Elizabeth Wilbanks
This is the final result of an experiment that took three or four days of my spare time. It's furrys in (cheesey spacey echo effect) 3D!!! (end echo effect) I know most 3D furries tend to look like complete crap, but I'm fairly happy with how these turned out.
Frommer pirrrs! Sully © Scotty Arsenault / Frommer © Peter Bednar / Stinken © Ken Singshow / F4U © LTV Aerospace
This one took a while to color, but I'm pleased with the results. This pic was driven by pure inspiration. I don't know what exactly inspired it, but I could just picture her in my mind looking over the vast plains and mountains of her home.. Ah well, Adeus!
Well here is a drawing of Ren looking cool as ever, this is a new drawing style for me. This is the first image I've drawn in about a month now. Thanks for the inspiration Twon. :)
The time wrinkle story continues... Timebase uses the Professor's watch to make visible to the others what his chronotrophic abilities told him instinctively. It being too late in the evening to explore further, they make plans to return tomorrow. The 'where' of the time wrinkle has been established... now all that remains to be found are the 'who' and the 'why'... All characters © their respective creators!
A fox monster hunter, searching for his quary who's escaped to the sewers. Partially inspired by the game Nightmare Creatures :)
Limpidity #186: Market Strategists
Limpidity #187: Emergency
<November 4, 1997>