<October 22, 1997>
This is a picie o' a girl looking through a piece of glass at you. Hi! I'm trying to draw 2 pics-a-day, this is the first on I drew today (10-22-97). The other one I need permission before posting it, or at least I found it to be nice to ask first.
This is a picie o' a fox air surfing. And no I didn't mess up on the background she's flying upside down. This uses the same girl from soxmagic.jpg. You like!?!?
Me! In, I think, SD style. bear with me, I'm just learning this style now
While at the station six (North Massif) on the second spacewalk of the Apollo 17 lunar landing mission, astronauts Harrison Schmidt (depicted) and Gene Cernan make a startling discovery: Devilbunnies are on the moon! BunnyHugger is Heather Kendrick's character; the drawing is closely based on NASA photograph AS17-140-21496 for those playing along at home. (A picture which, frustratingly, does not seem to be online; it's been reprinted in quite a few books and of course National Geographic; and pictures of the same station are available at NASA's historical web sites.)
FTStoat doesn't have as much fun in the snow as you might think he would, though he might have more if he weren't so shy about speaking up. FTStoat belongs to his player; Millie and Ozymandias belong to Rain Simpson, who is probably going to have the child labour authorities send me a very nasty note about the number of drawings I've made of them.
Our story, dear reader, turns -- as one will- - to the weird and wondrous world of widely used "telekommunikations" -- and a kalamitous enkounter okkuring with a woefully misdirekted missive mistakenly kast to a "koati," who happened to kome too klose to a missed message from one "Ignatz" to a Krazy Kat... (Behold!) -- Drawn for Gene Catlow's Phone Book, his AAC sketchbook, after protest from me. I didn't have my usual calligraphy pen and didn't know Gene would scan it (thanks, Gene!) which is why the text is so hard to read.
Based on a peculiarity of the rain falling around a building on campus. My first major effort to use perspective; I also drew this after deciding to deliberately ignore everything I'd 'learned' about art in the preceding year and a half. The result was a picture that I think's a lot better than usual, which is at best a bittersweet achievement. By the way, that's not an anthro version of Austin Dern in the picture; as to who it is, I don't know, but he's the right ringed-tail for the pose.
My Halloween card for Bojopigeon...(with pigeon shaped cookies...)
Stanley Steamer! I was doodling the cover of "Man from Mundania" in World History last week, so here's a sketch of Stanley, the Gap Dragon of Xanth. Stanley Steamer © Piers Anthony. :)
Splunky likes Punkin Innards. I don't.
A situaition I'm sure most artists have found themselves in at one point or another. Though I guess they rarely have to deal with a pain-in-the-neck voiceover guy. :) Doodled in about 20 minutes with my graphics tablet.
The story continues...:) The Active Raccoon Kid goes with his brother and sister to see "Shockwave" and gets a bit of a shock himself...! Prof. Badgerton © Clifford Lieder and Kendall © Eric Goodwin
<October 22, 1997>