<October 20, 1997>
This is well, a femme fox using magic! My friends tell me that they can't tell which direction she's aiming, but I know it's going somewhere... You know for some odd reason I wish I could draw and talk as ky00000te as Sebrina or EG, why? Let's leave it at that, k?
'Dis be a picie o' Sox Marching, taint he just ky000te! <--- I'm getting there, don't push me!
"YESss!!" It's Sully's Reeba!! Gotta love her!! Jingle jingle!
The second page of Dragon's Den!
A couple of friends of mine from FurryMUCK...the best of luck to the both of them! <cpyrt. their players, of course!>
Just some notes on a very furry weekend. :)
More weekend notes. :)
Still more weekend notes. :)
Just a casual pic of Farin and Foxxor fromFurryMUCK. Both are copyrighted with their respective players
Limpidity #179: Breakfast
Limpidity #180: Breakfast
Limpidity #181: Plank
<October 20, 1997>