<October 4, 1997>
Alistair and Ferris heard that Azy thought they were cute, so they decided to introduce themselves. . . in a manner of speaking. I coulda warned you about this guy, Azy! ;) Asrial Cat is © her own feline self.
The finished commission for Lady Neveia the otter-ferret. (This is the style chosen by her player) Her Ladyship featured here with Cecilia and Co., who always welcome the opportunity to befriend a potetntial customer ;) Cecilia © me, Lady Neveia © her player!
Whoa! Overload of funk! Thanks for the neato pic, Mister Dawneater, Sir. That had better be a wig ;) Speaking of which, now there's an idea- Prosthetic Anti-Gravity Headfur! (Everyone herein © their players/creaters)
Creature Shock, polar bear bounty hunter, from the novella "Skip Tracer" by and © J. Murdock
From Yiffnet, The bunny, Trixi, standing on a beach. Really. That's supposed to be a beach. Hope you like it, Trix...and the rest of you, as well.
Using the book previously mentioned,I came up with a couple of new characters...this one is Jean 22 the Bluebird,a warrior mage inspired by that FF7 game.HA!He only LOOK cute!No mess with Bluebird!!!Jean22 is (C) me(credits go to art book) and FF7 is (C)Round!Er,I mean Square!
LOOKIE!New pic o' me!Did this after gettin' this great art book that teaches you how to draw Tex Avery-esque style!This is the "Screwball"Method...Wonder why it called that?*snickers*Kompy,in case ya didn't know,is (C) Me!
a TTA style fox.(commissioned.) character © Andy
Captain BigBlueFox of USS Hindenburg! "REPORT!" BBF © Karsten Auchter
Zip from NimhMuck! Zip © Her player
After some careful thought and consideration I have decided to redo my character Acru in the same style of Cyril The Cat I drew a little while back. This image took longer then most as I have been very busy as of lately.
Lindgold has pointed out a few more things about the anti-gravity effect about which I was not as clear as I could have been. My apologies, Lindgold. (Who is © Grant Preston.) BTW, what happened to the cute Star Trek feline officer? :)
I've sent Barclay Johnson quite a few examples of illustrations from my SF pulp collection. I guess he's enjoyed seeing them just as much as I've enjoyed sending them, 'cause he put *me* in one of those old-time space suits! And he's right.. in space you can't hear anyone laugh at you. However, once back at the space station...:) B-Artisan is © Barclay Johnson, and although he doesn't speak our language, I guess laughter is universal. :)
Well, the Raccoon Kids and Kendall have arrived at the Furriplex 6... but they aren't the only ones who want to see the new Connor Phalanx movie, "Recoil". Ferris wants to see it too! He also wants something else... :) Ferris is © Thomas K. Dye and Kendall is © Eric Goodwin
My slant on the 'feline-bread-and-butter-anti-gravity' thing. A little late, but what the heck... 8-{)
<October 4, 1997>