<October 2, 1997>
No, I don't just do standing poses and head-shots. Just so you know. This is a pic of two 'roos, I suppose one is having some trouble getting his boots off, the other... Watching inquisitively. This is a big picture and almost didn't fit on the scanner-bed.
I have a friend who commented me how cute the roos were when they were asleep... Then, I look at this pic of Artie asleep in the summertime, and I wonder, is he cute or not? hmmm...
Into the air, with one of the famous "Blue Angels"! (Actually, the era's all wrong, but the pun could no longer be contained.) Warmest greetings to MelSkunk, crack aerialist of the AAWD. MelSkunk © Melissa Drake
Gene Catlow's been sending me these cool interior illustrations from his collection of old Pulp magazines, some of which feature the goofiest damn space suits I have yet to lay eyes on. Here's Astro Catlow in one now. Apologies to Gene Catlow, who's © Albert Temple, for putting his future self in this predicament. (This is image #50 for me, by the way. Not a big number, but a substantial one. Gotta get crackin' on my next 50.)
This is what AOL *REALLY* stands for! =) Well it SHOULD, anyway... Oh, and avoid the popsicles at all costs.
My first contact with Thomas K. Dye was via E-mail. He did some great pictures featuring Gene meeting his his ebullent media crew, the Newshounds. This was the picture I sent in reply. Now that Mr. Dye has made the jump to the SCFA, you'll recognize all of his characters in this picture! :)
A vixen, inspired by the "Tales of the Fehnnik" series. (Fehnnik is © Elin Winkler)
<October 2, 1997>