<September 18, 1997>
AWLRIGHT YOU MUGS! Uncle Gene wants YOU to jern his ermy an' help him rescue dance music from the BLAHS! Don't hafta git nasty, just gotta git DOWN! All you furries Jump awf your RUMP! He only demands FUNK and GROOVE from you! Gene Catlow crght Albert Temple, Uncle Jam concept crght 1979 George Clinton and the Parliafunkadelicment Thang.
Fuzzybear when he wants to really relax just hangs out on all fours. He doesn't have to fight against gravity so much this way ;) Fuzzybear copyright me
Aimee, a cute little lop. I dunno, I've been told this pic is a bit suggestive... Colored Pencil, background filled in Photoshop. Aimee Mandel © Sara Clay
One of the two images that didn't end up in the trash when I purged the junk out of this directory. Why? Because I'm fairly sure it's the first image I ever used ink on; Sharpee on rather light-weight drawing paper.
Aeyrn is a character I made for SPRMuck, but haven't really used. It turned out that there was another furson named Aeryn (the y and r flipped) and other fursons kept paging me instead by accident. Anyway, Aeyrn is a cross between a squirrel and a possum. Aeyrn is © me.
Hmm... Cuanu paid the Observant Raccoon Kid a surprise visit! Wish it had been a little more of a surprise... I might've gotten my chocolate bar back! Oh well... :) Cuanu is © the charming Conna Stevenson.
And even Heaven Scent wants to talk to the Observant Raccoon Kid! I think anti-gravity headfur provides only lift, not propulsion. But of course, I'm no expert. :) Heaven Scent is © G. (as in 'Gee! What cool artwork!) Raymond Eddy
Romantic drawing of Aethan and Iyu, the cute romantic couple, walking somewhere entwined with arms and tails. ;=D) Awwww...
Technically this is artwork by me, but all I did was the B+W lines. Everything else you see is Leonid's hard work on his computor. Its really more his picture than mine. (At any rate I cannot draw using a computor, so don't think for a second I can draw this well ^_^ )
<September 18, 1997>