<September 13, 1997>
What's a natch? Some kinda new slang? I dunno... Started out as a 'roo but I got sidetracked and made it a dog-ish kinda thing... Just sort of silly.
Note to self: Not happy about getting drenched by boyfriend, revenge is in the works... Need a bigger gun... Maybe balloons... Deluge is iminent
A picture of Bakar from Tapestries.
Dash has a good book to read. Taking it somewhere remote (and quiet) to read it sounds like a good idea to me too. :)
In a rare moment of solitude, Wintergreen takes the opportunity to gather an autumn bouquet.
Man, do I like drawing depressing stuff or what? Sorry, 'tis just my nature... but I think it turned out rather well. Just a mere pencil sketch for now, but I'll probably ink and color it later... Aislinn (C) myself.
A relatively small draconish creature meets his first helicopter :)
Long long ago, I drew little more but Rescue Rangers... Even now, this shows sometimes. :)
My first comic type attempt... I have no clue what to name it. (clueless is me) its done by me... colleen phillips
Catnel and Kassy kitten at the Computer. :) Kassy *IS* really my daughter.
Thanks for letting everyone know that it was my EVIL TWIN in your picture, Buster Charlie! Unfortunately that balloon doesn't seem to know the difference...
<September 13, 1997>