<August 26, 1997>
Wintergreen, the Sun Arrow from my *Arrowflight* universe, in her morphic white ermine aspect. Doesn't she make the ky00test furry?
*chuckle* Arved... you're plugging electrical appliances into your NOSE? That's shocking! :) And insanely hilarious! One thing, though... make sure you put the standard "Don't try this at home, kids!" disclaimer on your work, so none of our more impressionable SCFA visitors hurt themselves. Oh, wait.. I didn't put that on mine, did I? Shame on me! Arved is © Dietmar Heidrich. (Didn't forget *that*!)
'Fighter Furs IV:Mindclaw' is a very elaborate and involved game. I've noticed (at least among the folks I hang around with) that a whole brand-new type of game aficionado is evolving: people who actually enjoy watching, and ONLY watching, videogames being played. As if it were a type of TV program, and the gamers are remote-control actors. Sounds weird, but I've seen it. :) Kendall is © Eric Goodwin
Angst angst blah blah.
You made me do it! I plugged it in! Gene Catlow © Albert Temple, Jedd Marten © Al Jones. Actually, this turned out far worse than I intended. I fear I've won the award for the most stupid and silly picture. Folks are going to shun me from now on (sigh).
Limpidity #159: Color Test
Limpidity #160: Summer's End
Limpidity #161: Summer's End
<August 26, 1997>