<August 10, 1997>
This is one of many doodles that appear in my many notebooks. Boxing, kangaroos, get it? It's pretty straight forward. Kinda cheesy. But it is fun I guess. Love those yellow notepads.
Those are firepants she's a wearin. Don't ask why, I just did it. I guess I could have some crazy half-baked idea behind it but why bother. It's a fun drawing and a kinda cool idea. She wound up looking kinda cross eyed in the final inking though. I'm bummed about that.
Being the fan of pop-culture I am, it seems fitting to have a 'roo that's put in some serious time "under the needle." Piercing that is mate. Can't have a pierced roo without a pouch ring though. :) Need to draw THAT sometime. Incidentally, the "FO" on her jacket is for FOX. They make motorcycle pads and clothing..
It's the funky hovercar from the retro-future! The car was rendered in Lightwave 5.5 with the fixed (finally!) cel-style shader, and the skunk was added in Photoshop (can ya tell?)
What th- It was Ciseal's birthday? Dagnabbit! Oh well- happy (belated) birthday, from Anise. (Ciseal © the ever-lovin' blue-eyed icki Lo!)
Whee! Anise bought a new brushpen! Here's an Owston's palm civet in a printed robe, and some bamboo. I LIKE bamboo. It's so...bambooey, ya know?
Thunderation! It's the "Furry Legion of Doom"! The A.A.W.D.! Preparing, no doubt, to conquer an unsupecting world with their sinister great artwork and their nefarious friendliness. A.A.W.D. © the A.A.W.D.
Rokki and Haruki(owner of Merry),having quality time. © AAoHK
More Teresa... by request! grown-up Teresa © 1996 Mrs.Brisby & Co.
Here is a color drawing of Kyle Wallpe's character Lazarus Rat, one of my closest friends :)
<August 10, 1997>