<July 28, 1997>
Hi Lynx! You wanted some collating minions, I believe? (Did this one with my new markers! Whee!) Lynx © Lynx, I s'pose.
Whee! I went to the Highland Games yesterday! These here are some Scots folk-dancing furs. (And thanks once again to Bigfella for the kewl Scottish pic of me)
Another winged cat-lady. I drew this one at camp. Again, whee!
No one in particular. :)
Limpidity #154: Magic Eye
Limpidity #155: Magic Eye
Limpidity #156: Magic Eye
Here's another two-minute ink doodle I did a little later. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing done on the Sunday paper beside a picture of a charging knight. That must mean something. :)
<July 28, 1997>