<July 20, 1997>
If you can't find anything on the tube, why don't you just curl up with a good book? That's exactly what's about to happen here
Well, I gues it's about time for this little guy to show up here...This is a lovable mongoose that *wooshes* around yiffnet looking for that perfect shoulder to curl up on.
Splendid idea, Eldri- here's my contribution to the SCFA Remembers The Titanic campaign. This one goes out to the friends and families they left behind.
Hopalong Spaceroo, up on the high chaparral with his trusty jackalope, Concord. Jackalopes are a popular mount in the New West. They're fast and agile. On the down side they make for a bumpy ride, and they're dumber than a bag of doorknobs. Spaceroo never met a mutant he didn't like. He's © John Siemer, a right neighborly fella.
Wheeee HAWWW! Screw Up's havin' hisself a blast in the Puff Cactus patch. For those who don't savvy the flora and fauna of the New West, Puff Cactus are a mutant variety that can explode with the force of a hand grenade when you touch 'em, or their floating pods. Get yerself a good sturdy vehicle and you've got the Post-Apocalypse version of Bronco Busting. Better to do it in Early Spring before the cactus develop their poison spore clouds. Screw Up © Abe Groter.
A warlock walking through the air in the night's witching hour with a levitating jewel lighting his path. The reason it is so small is because I put it on my homepage. I think it looks cool.
*blinks at the warning on the art manager* Well...I think this pic is good...and I worked on it with uhhh I guess it's safe to upload, a nameless fox type guy that killed two thingys
<July 20, 1997>