<July 18, 1997>
If you visited Virginia today, you'd discover crazy people, terrible traffic, and residential areas all over the place...... You would also discover that the weather here is HOT AS HELL!!!!
A pic I should have uploaded a LONG time ago... Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the COLOR version of one of my first drawings ever posted on rat org, NINJA TAILS...
This is a picture that Allen Kitchen and I did as a memorial for Hitzokl whos player died of complications following kidney surgery. He will be missed by his friends and fellow pack members.
A picture that took me 3 days to color and I only got one print of it made before a bad 'save' instead of 'save as' killed it's printable qualities.. *sigh* oh well :)
I was in a *really* bad mood awhile ago, and worked out some frustration with this drawing. Sorry if it upsets anybody.
I decided that I should draw Dash as Megara for a joke, since my drawing style kinda looks Disneyish. The weird thing is, she turned out to look a lot like Megara! Oh well. I think it's kewl. :)
This is Rebecca, with her usual outfit and independent attitude. I'm reeeaaaalllyy amazed at this pic. Rebecca Lotus is © me.
My cousin Wendy as a squirrel. She is a gymnast from CMU
<July 18, 1997>