<June 22, 1997>
Sailor Moon fans go Koo-Koo when she returns to TV and create their own furry Sailor Scouts! Jason Furness went Koo-Koo when "Freakazoid!" returned to TV and he make up (sorta) a furry Freakazoid! I now bring you "Fookazoid!" Hide your yo-yos, hop around like Weena Macatur, and yell "Huggbees!!", cuz this Fook is NUTZ!! Quit reading this and click on the thumbnail NOW!!!
Well it looks like He's got a plan for them both. If you wish to use any of my drawings please email me..©B.S.M. Oldrabbit
Well He's sure doing some deep thinking or just relaxing some. If you wish to use any of my drawings please email me..©B.S.M. Oldrabbit
This little furry is gonna get his self in trouble if he doesnt watch out. If you wish to use any of my drawings please email me..©B.S.M. Oldrabbit
This furry is telling her a funny story.. He's trying to make her laugh. If you wish to use any of my drawings please email me.©B.S.M. Oldrabbit
Well she is there to watch her fur train for the big race. and he wants to make a good empression. If you wish to use any of my drawings please email me.©B.S.M. Oldrabbit
He's got a sore foot and she's offers to help. If you wish to use any of my drawings please email me..©B.S.M. Oldrabbit
Ok well little furs like to have a place of their own. So thay have a clubhouse for getting togeather for fun and games.. If you wish to use any of my drawings please email me.©B.S.M. Oldrabbit
Oldrabbit ..Well here is my furrymuck character some asked for a color picture.. If you wish to use any of my drawings please email me..©B.S.M. Oldrabbit
Well i found this old drawing of mine where i was working on some new characters.. If you wish to use any of my drawings please email me..©B.S.M. Oldrabbit
<June 22, 1997>