<June 20, 1997>
And the winner of "Sue-chan Caption contest" is... Mr. AltarSkunk! (others are good too, but I like the simplicity of this one.) and more!... *"That's the last time I buy perfume endorsed by a celebrity who's movies ALSO stink."("Mouse") *"So that's why they don't want skunks living under the approach path." (Charlie) (to see three more "Honorable Mention", go to "blank1.gif") again, thank you all Sue-chan fans!
Ty, just hanging around in her tanktop and boxers. Taan © me! 6-20-97.
Predator and prey. Brush inked and on bristol board
HOWIE: What a turnout at Garfield's birthday party last night! GENE: Yep, perhaps every anthro-feline ever born was there! CISEAL: If you weren't invited, you probably aren't a kitty! ASRIAL: We kepts it secret for reasons we can't tell! HOWIE: If we did, we'd have to drain your brain...
I created Mark Mallard in June 1989, so I guess it could be his 8th birthday today! Splunky, Mark's little sister, gives him a birthday greeting. You other SCFA artists can give Mark birthday greetings too, also!
Apparently, I have *fans*! Here's one of them. Trixi Bigfoot is © Candy Lewin
A quick sketch of my furry character Catnel D. Purrcanta. Who is just one of my characters in a book I'm writing.
One of my Friends in #XFR, Catnel's Sister
A painting I did while experimenting with watercolours. It's of Catnel.
Meet JH, my other furry alter ego. =) [Yes, this is a late response to Heavenly Scent's 'Living In The Real World Challenge' and sort of a "rebirth" for me." =) ]
The finished pic of JH, who's another part of me. =) Since I find white backgrounds a little boring, so I've added a little something with Photoshop. JH is © to me.
Preliminary sketches of JH, who's another part of me. =) JH is © to me.
Not a Toyota ad this time. It's more like Nissan. I find that commercial quite creepy however.
Never ever turn your back on someone who's playing pin the tail on the donkey. :) Actually, this came to me while I was sewing a tail ineptly one evening.
<June 20, 1997>