<May 22, 1997>
Chit, a squirrel from alt.devilbunnies, rendered in watercolor, with some pencil detailing.
A pretty female mouse wearing a simple dress, done in pencil.
A flyer I designed for a dance at my alma mater, Earlham College. It used to be traditional for Hoerner Hall (a dorm) to have two dances a year, one winter trimester and one spring trimester, called "The Hibernation Hop" and "The Squirrel Mating Dance," respectively. I believe this was the last year anyone tried to put on either of those two dances. Score another point for apathy. The squirrels are supposed to be doing the jitterbug, by the way.
AsrialCat and the Raccoon Kids get into a spirited game of Imagination Hide-and-Seek! Asrial © her player
"HEY! You can't open a window on the plane!" Miles on his way to Massachusettes for a visit on 5/15/97
Honeybadger! This pic still ain't great, but it's 367,492 times better then my last one. =o)
<May 22, 1997>