<May 7, 1997>
This is my tribute to caunu!! sorry it took so long! i did it a while ago and it locked up at 50% saved! =( so i had to start over. =( =( =( =( =(
Simple furry fox standing there and contemplating life with a grin. :)
Sue-chan on desert. Android Amazon Animals©AMAZON ANIMALS O HOGOSURU KAI
It is an angry wolf.. or.. It is rather frustration.. Or to make it easy ; It is in the eye of the beholder ;)
A dragon. It is not even a compleat picture since I find it pretty boring to draw dragons.. But maybe someone will like it anyway =)
A wolf who is getting up after a fall.
A heavy armoured wolf. It is not the picture I prefer to draw either.. and it is quite a boring pose.. but still, there it is..
Thanks Erin! I'm at a loss for words at the number of folks my works have managed to reach... all I can say is... thank you! I keep thinking, though, that *this* particular gag would crop up sooner or later... :) Erin the Swordmaker © Julian Ho
The Raccoon Kids are waaay curious about the new friends I've made recently. So I see I'm gonna have to show them around and introduce them to some of them! :)
Spaceroo, star of pulp sci-fi and bad children's programming, runs into trouble while handing out decoder rings and coloring books at a mall opening. =o)
<May 7, 1997>