<April 26, 1997>
Hey EG! this is to you! i'm sorry about that letter! i only thought it would boost yer spirits! it's good to have met you!
My first flirtation with Oils - Loopy trying not to get flattened in a fight between a vampire and a wyrm '94
Mrs.Brisby,wiping her eyes.
The first of two images.
The second of two images. Cuanu, I hope I did a good job and you like it. Cuanu is © Conna Stevenson
Abacus feels that the pen I use may play a large role in the sucess of my art. That could be, except that I use *more* than one! (BTW, Abacus.. yes, you are indeed getting used to my character! I like the way you made me look the last time. I hope you like this one!) Abacus Jura © Jason Williams
Wild Hy00mans can't drag it the secret outta Cuanu? Wow... I don't stand a chance, then. Kinda like to know, too... but Gene is a gentleman fur, and if the lady says no, it's no. Ah well... :) Cuanu © Conna Stevenson
Good Rian.. nice Rian. Don't pounce Gene, now... :) .. Had to correct and re-upload this one. Rian © Chris Cummins
Eldria Fox, thank you so much for your nice drawing! I'm glad my humble instructions were of some help to you! I hope you like this one of you.. I think this is the first time I've tried to draw your character! :) Eldria Fox © herself
In an attempt to mix portions of Richard E. Dye's style with portions of mine, I managed to create this soft, warm and fluffy vixen. I hope I didn't insult Mr Dye too much.
Still suffering from Dyesphoria, a nasty disease caused by looking at too many pictures of a CERTAIN artist. It's probably lethal. This picture was the result of drawing far too late in the night. However, I do think it sorta came out quite well anyway. Well, maybe. =) (I promise that this is the LAST picture drawn during my Dye-addiction!)
<April 26, 1997>