<April 10, 1997>
A dragon lady. I suppose sooner or later everyone has to draw one of these. I think it's in NAFTA or something.
WOOHOO!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! Bring out them cameras, folks, 'cuz its a Kodak moment!!!! I finally drew Wily Kit the way I saw her in my dream!! AHAHAHAHAAAAAAA!!!! .....It's perfect.... *sniff* .....beautiful......*snort* .......Excuse me, this is just too much.......
An old drawing of mine, pulled out of the closet. Enerjak © Archie Comics and/or SEGA
Dimitri, about to use the machine to drain the Floating Island's Chaos Emerald's energy to lower the island back to the ground, with Edumund trying to stop him. This I did 2 years ago, around March or so. Whee, and to think I JUST NOW put up all this old stuff? Edmund and Dimitri © Archie Comics and/or SEGA
My first drawing of CJ. I didn't get his dominant fur colour exactly right but his player liked it anyway.
A dancing deer, a cartoonish character of mine called Delilah.:)
Terry always looks sad when I see him on the mucks, so here is a big hug from my character to his vixen. Terry © Terry Sender...
A au gratis pict of Kendall, character © Eric Goodwin
Just a skunkygirl sitting and holding her tail (awwww).
Another sketch from a blizzard. This is one of them 'sci-fi' inspired drawings of a fur entering a big room.
Anshin and Tandy sharing a moment together...
In this one I was experimenting with messy hair :)
I drew this picture ages and ages ago. It's supposed to be Rush, but he's looking a little rough on the edges don't you think?
Isn't he cute!!!
CatsWhisker and I in a nice panoramic view of the last mall we hit last weekend, as we talk about stuff... furry stuff, art stuff, mucking stuff... man, we talked about so much stuff we almost needed a Zip (tm) disk to hold it all! :) What a great time we had! (Quick question for legal-minded furs: is tailclasping regarded as a PDA?)
Peter LaVerdiere (AKA Hopper_Roo) has got to be one of the most enthusiastic roo boosters on earth. This picture is a re-interpretation of something he drew on the outside of a shipping container he sent me. I think it turned out a little doomfy, but he was kind enough to say he liked it. =o)
<April 10, 1997>