<January 17, 1997>
Just a little sketch from my sketchbook. This is a study for a larger drawing I intend to do later. It turned out good enough I decided to post it to show some pencil work.
Chet Fox, Po Shan Cheah's personal furry. The image on the PC is the logo of Amaya, the World Wide Web Consortium's Web browser/HTML editor.
I thought a koala would be the best way to summarize the down side of the "antipsychotic" medications. This information is based partly on first-hand experience and partly on reading. Disclaimer: this is for informational purposes only and is not meant as medical advice. <i>Please</i> consult a physician before stopping or starting any medication. Also, despite the "nine inch macs" logo, this point of view is not endorsed by Apple! Z%7+)
One of my better early anthropomorphic bears.
A mellow werewolf.
<January 17, 1997>