<December 19, 1996>
My first drawing posted anywhere on the net. For Lycan, whose name I was calling myself until I found out he had it first. I'm back to The Intolerable Picklejuice now. Ha! Bet no one on the net has THAT name! Er. This is a yiffy femme fox, dancing wildly.
A little logo for Iron Wolf, a comic book I'm slowly creating.
My best picture of my FurryMUCK character, Arthur T. Mink.
Matt Dunn, before transformed into the minotaur costume he's wearing. This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:
Some initial wooziness will occur after being transformed into a minotaur! This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:
You'd be a little shocked, too, if you were transformed into a minotaur! This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:
Yes, those horns are real. Man after being transformed into minotaur. This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:
That bull's head is stuck on tight! Man after being transformed into a minotaur This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:
Still trying to take off his head. Man after being transformed into minotaur This series is inspired by stories in the No More Fakes universe on the Transformation Story Archive:
It's a ferret lady! Ain't she ky00t? Well, maybe not... But the world needs more ferrets!
A quick fox sketch... <another ky00t file for the vulpiphiles out there!>
Another quick sketch... this is a preliminary for a 'LYNX' button I will have on the webpage I am building
A head shot of Hernia Cataract, of 'Decadance Urbaine', because Lynx told me she looked too buffed up in the first picture.
Lynx © Conrad Wong : this fellows the reason I've been doing so many lynx's
A picture of Johnny Blanco, all rights c. Player
<December 19, 1996>