Chris Cummins (Rian Real) —2/2 >
Me and Myself.
This is a frame of an animation of Boby that I did while working as a grounds keeper on those rainy days.
"Hey babe. You can just call me 'The cat in the rat'." (Boby makes a fasion statement) (I hope Rat doesn't mind)
I think this picture is true to both Gene's and my own personalities. Now take a look at the previous two pictures with the robot in it. Looks different now doesn't it. (I could not resist drawing this because I once programed a risk game on my Amiga. And although it looked very impressive the computer played even worse than this robot is playing) :)
Picture of a cat and Mouse. Here I am taking a stroll with that cute extra small horse, Mouse. (There is another pun in the wording in the picture.)
I know Gene didn't see that RL picture of me with my cap on backwards. So, I was a bit suprised that that Racoon wanted to see me. I like the cap. Humph, soon I will be wearing chains and riding skateboards. (I was rushed while finishing this one. Also I tried out a coloring program. My scanner is B/W, you know.)
You don't believe me, do you? Well, to put it simply, after I saw their pictures they made for me, I have had near total insomnia for the last two nights. |( Still, my art hasn't seemed to have suffered at all. I think this is my most complicated peice so far. An inverted cat and two bi-peds are not my usual style. - I now feel sorryful for those people that can't (won't) draw. They have no idea what it is like.
While I was at work one day, I couldn't think of anything to draw so I just drew me drawn' me drawn' me....
Like Gene, I also wondered how Cuanu made those heads float like that. So, I went off in search for the secret. Ahah! It is by the power of the magical Fishheads. "Fishheads fishheads spinning around. Look in my fishhead and see what I found" (this is not a shared experence is it) - Cuanu is © Conna Stevenson and Gene is © Albert Temple
When it comes to FLUX, lets just say I wrote the book. FLUX is a game/simulation of mine that has little (or big) bugs going around trying to destroy each other. I would like to make a shirt for the game, but I am without a cool saying. Does anyone have any sugestions?
Gene, uh, look behind you! Well, I figured I just HAD to draw a pic of Gene and myself, and because I hadn't met him yet, I figured I would just go ahead and pounce on him. Gene Catlow is copyright his player.
"Celestial Furries. Cuddle then die." I got this idea while discussing that to (and not to) name my new furry game with Bad Karma. Care Bears in space? Hey, some people might like that sort of thing.
IN JAVA? (Kerplunk) Here is Zinn as promised. Her creater has perposed a most interesting question. And naturally because Amigaers are for JAVA and because Bill Gates is against it, I want to see more good JAVA programming out on the net, but I ain't gonna program it. I was lucky enough to make the guessing game work in JAVA.
First there was final exams, then Zinn got me hooked on programming (you'll meet him), then I had to move out of the dorms (shown here) and now I have gone to Mississippi. I am not even on my computer right now. So, I may have some problems with checking messages for me, but I AM BACK. (note: this picture was drawn during the drive to MS)
Before you watch Macross Plus, make sure you have all four parts. I guess I can't complain that I have only the first two.
Matt's little fox guy is playing imaginary hide-and-seek with me. I am the chandaleer (how is it spelt?). Explanation 1: In THE BOOK, most ships have many rooms with carpet-all. So the carpet is even on the ceileings. (and for good reason) Explanation 2: I have becoem addicted to programming. Every bit of my spare time is going twards it. However at my new job as a gounds keeper, I have 30mins for a break. Therefore, although in a very anti-furry environment, I am able to draw. This is what I did today cause of the lonlyness of a fellow furry.
I too am well studdied in electronics. In a real life role playing type game "Mission:not-possible", I am still the undefeated champion in bomb building. There are many rules that keep a bomb for being a "black box" so difusion is possible (not). I guess I have watched too much McGuyver.
Jonny nyn. This is a frame from a small animation test I made. THe animation is the first I have made without the help of the Amiga. Notice that it was not colored using the computer. Every frame was done purely with pencil.
Anise and myself have apparently watched one to many Timon&Pumba reruns. This is yet another sceen from the series, but with us playing the parts and acting the roles. Anise's character is copyright herself.
The first of two images.
The second of two images. Cuanu, I hope I did a good job and you like it. Cuanu is © Conna Stevenson
I am a sucker for logos. And for the letter R. (Thanks to Allan Kemp for helping me advance my character closer to how I originally wanted him to look.)
Well, look who decided to upload. Thats right. Although I was at KainCon, I drew almost nothing, but now that I have some free time (alone :< ) I can try out some new tips that I got from other artists. Mouse helped me the most. Thanks, Mouse. Oh, yes. Ofcourse, this is my friend who contacted me since the longest time while I was at the Con, T. R. Foxx.
My sleping habbits seem to be rubbing off on my friend, Tim. He is going to be my roommate next semester and he is an art major, but strange as it may sound he CAN'T draw. Oh well, perhaps I can teach him a thing or two of what furry is all about.
I just spent an awsome week at Bad Karma's house. He is a great person and so were the reast of the furs there. This is when I was sleeping on the couch. He said despite all the noise I didn't even stirr. (I think it was because of all the gameing so late at night.)
He was just asking for it, wasn't he? Seriously, he WAS asking for it. :p I love all these great characters all of you have made. And I thank all my friends for keeping the quality around here so high. Your inspirations have done wonders for me.
This one came to me in a recent dream. I am sure you could spot her a mile away. And I do know this, she ain't nudered! :@
I have nothing against horses. Believe me. It is just that I am still disapointed that no quadraped (more like myself) has joined our little group. I have drawn horse types before, unfortunantly it was in short animation, "Bambi vs. Godzilla." (I would give money for the original)
Jacob in his natural and best pose. This is certainly the best design for Jacob I have done.
Jacob walks onto the central place in his ship.
Chris Cummins (Rian Real) —2/2 >