Katharine Crowell (Lilith, Katsu) —2/2 >
Amuse was just a picture done as an ode to amusement parks and the times when friends think making you take a picture with an 8 foot fluffy mascot is funny. The girl is actually one of my characters: Katsu. The fox is random, but there's a little cheery girl in the background with a lollypop that I'd drawn for my mother's birthday also. I thought it'd be fun to pop her in there.
Since one of my listed aliases is Lilith and she is one of my first characters, I figured I -should- upload at least one picture of her. Uh... Happy Halloween!
My thumb hurts from this one. (Crazy trackball) It's Elise paying respect to her brother: Iulian. I -=love=- jackals, especially black-backed jackals. And that is all I have to say. ^_^
It was originally supposed to be David (the coyote bunny-mink thing) emo dancing, you know head turned up and wiggling your hands in front of your body all stylishly. Aheheh. It looks more like trance right now... or constipation. I wonder if that'd stain PVC? Ew. We should all be so lucky as to wear leopard print kitty ears in our hair.
Gliche my dragon pooka transforming into a, uh, dragon. Looks painful, count me out.
An old picture that a little birdy has been nagging me to upload. Ah, but you gotta love nags, they're so cute when they whine like that. Inada © Gus. PS. I love point-a-lism!
"I punch!" I'll have more complete, detailed work as soon as the portfolio rush is through. Until then, "I punch."
Yay, for quick and dirty sketches. This is the first drawing of Ismene that actually looks like Ismene to me. Her face is a tad odd, but it works. Unlike Lilith, she's an ermine with a tail.
Isolabella -really- doesn't like to be called Lala, but her if you're a member of the Kaare you can call her Izzy. And I thought she was nice, what a freak! Isolabella and Artwork are property of moi and Gus started the colouring for me. So kudos. The picture is a result of Role-Playing catastrophe, so kudos to catastrophe too!
Really old picture (Sophmore year of Highschool?) It's only partially coloured cause... um... this is the only version of it on my computer and it's a JPEG. Eeee. Dunno what to do about that, guess it's just doomed to sit there half-finished.
A picture my friend Jon took of me. I look weird, but I like it!
Quick ink/colour picture. Oh my god, I made an Avatar, Hell has indeed frozen over. I call her Kate. Kat is too corny and when I mentioned Kit Gus cringed, so yeah, Kate! Hee.
A picture I drew of my friend's character from Ungabunga back in June. That snake still doesn't have markings. Nothing is right in the world.
It was a very boring car ride some time after my stupid birthday. Fear PYRIT CHIKIN GUS, bawk-arr. I still have a bunch of stuff I need to get done art-wise, for the people who are waiting, I'm sorry! Let's burn down my college. It is Evilll.
Pacrat is full of cuteness. I feel this picture exhibits that adorability. See? See the happiness and giddy-sexy glee?
A picture I did for cari - --- Yay for chameleons and SuSE Linux! Aerika is property of Carissa Russell. OMG I forgot to put this before! The poster in the back is... ©ADV Films.
This is a picture I dubbed "The Monster Under My Bed" I did it of and for my sweety Aria! Love for the Jesse. I hope you all enjoy it! On a side note, and I hope this is okay, I just wanted to tell everyone I currently have an auction for icons going down at . If it's not okay, just toss me a warning and I'll change my description. ((cowers - Please don't beat me!)) This auction is to help me buy supplies so I can do some more real media art. Aria belongs to Jessica Bogardus. Please be respectful of that.
My friend's, Jocelyn Kiersted character, Becca. Weird things happened while I attempted to upload this.
A "birthday" picture I drew for Jessica Bogardus. It made a lot more sense before I got rid of the nipple on -her- left boob. Even if she's deformed, I still love her.
One of my characters - Calyce. (ka-lee-key). . . eating a banana. It's a really deep and meaningful picture. I must note, I hate colouring pencil in PS. This is pencil, not ink. It's kind of sloppy because I got mad at it while colouring it. I need pens, but they cost money.
Her hat looks dumb. This time Calyce as the younger sister. Anyway, no stealing designs, etc, yah yah yah and boogers. Not everything can be shiny.
A picture I drew for Ashi. Our ermines - her Charmaine, my Ismene (on the floor). Charmaine is the intellectual property of Beth Schultz, Ismene is property of Katharine Crowell. Respect that. ^_~
Commission of a unicorn who is a vampire schoolgirl with a laser rifle. Yes. That said, I am open for commissions, please send an e-mail to [email protected] for more information.
Commission. I am open for commissions, for more information please send an e-mail to [email protected].
A prize for Shannon Fowler on DA (naon). She won first in a contest of mine. This is her character Emily... I can honestly say, I've never drawn a duck before. o_O I also still have a dutch auction up at:
My part for a collage my friend Jocelyn aka Madeline Marie is doing over on DA. Erin, this girl here, is my ... anthropmorphic persona. She looks like me... sort of, and that's why she's got a big butt! She's a sylvankind cat. Yes... sylvankind cat. And I know this is hard to explain, but her fur is actually white with the sheen of peach and orange underneath it (skin). So it's white, with peach and orange shading.
A picture I did of my friend Stacey Kettler's character Fantine, but I hate it. Her face irritates me beyond all belief. If that makes any sense. She's a 3-striped dasyure.
I call this Clear Water. Frankly, I don't have a whole lot to say other than I really don't feel that's a good representation of my character Calyce at all: - That is what she should look like, but she was... very very small on paper. ((annoyed)) But! That's alright, overall I think it was what I was aiming for. ^_^
A gift for Ashryn. ^_^ Happiness! Katsu is mine. Ashryn is Beth Schultz's o_O
Because I have much love for the Hyz-z0 and she got all different on me so I had to draw her new design.
Katharine Crowell (Lilith, Katsu) —2/2 >