Adelle Crowe (Psycrowe) —2/3 >
Part of an art exchange with Becky (Alpha Dingo) => . Yes, the style is partially JTHM influenced ^^ ..anyhow, she belongs to her creator.
Woo, my first character, Adelle Daggerjaw (who has changed muchly in the past...8 years) playing with her daughter, Jaida. I'm happy with the mood of this picture ^^ although the anatomy's a bit screwy on Adelle methinks. They're both longears, which is © to me ^^.
Inspired by a pic of Ajax that Chella Reaves drew and the start of my wing craze. Coincidentally it looked like it could go with psywings.jpg, so i did the coloring similar to least this one didn't get the 'glare' that the Psycrowe pic' has. Ajax belong to Jessica Ratte so there :)
And here's my art of the exchange with Raven. Alaric and Enoch...scanner didn't wanna pick out Enoch too well, but if you look hard you can see the detail..somewhat =>. These two are © Raven Molisee
Another picture for Raven :) ...but can i explain this one? No not really...the idea for this picture kinda hit me so i drew it up and well, i like it...the black and white looks neat =). Alaric and Enoch are © to Raven so there :>
WEll one day I thought to myself, I want to draw a character with dreadlocks being held back by a bandana. Problem? That would mean creating yet another character. See i'm trying to cut back on making up characters cause last i counted i was close to 200. So anyhow I put it off then it occurred to me, I have a character with dreadlocks except he's a furry dragon. Well I could always temporarily make him an anthro, so i did. Here's Lord Khoal, wingless cause they would've got in the way. This was also an inking experience for me..trying a different style of inking. What do you think?
Whoa..It's Astro and Undertow =D. I meant to get this doen as a xmas present for my two buds, but i got lazy and didn't finish it till now -_- ...oops ^_^' Astro © to Andy, Undertow © to Rich.
*weep* 9 hours of teenage years left. Disclaimer: Meant in good humor ;P
Exchange with Shimpskee =) floatie..heh. It's Bonzer singing his heart out. File was called you can clearly see why =). Bonzer © Shimpskee
Undertow is a strange...strange man.... Take good care of them dude ^^ We belong to ourselves
My second betta turned anthro, Bloodtide. Unfinished and probably never to be finsihed. I am not pleased with the coloring.crayolas are evil ._. The pose is neat though :) Oh and he's flaring his gills acting all tough 'n' stuff.
the second picture for my 'exotic big cats' series thing. This guy is a clouded leopard (don't see to many anthros of them). This guy's a hunter and like shttrpsy.jpg, I wanted to focus more on his body patterns and anatomy. What I also went for with this one was to make him look somewhat like a lycanthrope, hence the longs limbs and flexibility and body structure.
Colored version on a black and white i uploaded a while back. A character of mine called Dark Dragoness. Pretty colors => ..the airbrush, smudge and blur tool are my friends ^^. Umm, I can't think of anymore to say except i really like how this turned out. It came out pretty much how i pictured in the end, and that rarely happens in my case, yadda yadda. My eyes hurt ><.
Hope this one's ok...part of an art exchange with Elaine Will; her character Dexter.
My poor pen o.O ...Dragon Queen © to Cassandra Gibbs
After much studying of my rather lazy Butterfly fish, I sketched up (then recently colored from mind..the colors look a little off)the non-anthro fish..then to fill up the page i designed his morph look. Meet butterfly (who looks like the most miserable fish alive with that big down-turned mouth). By the way, on the silouette version, those aren't booby tassles or what ever else they may look like 9.9 ...they're fins...and yes i know that one is placed a bit..awkwardly? ...I may change it. (How udder-ly wonderful...?? *snort*) anyways..
*crunch* ...needs salt.
Wheee, bright colors. One of the few pictures I've managed to finish. Also succeeded in figuring out my scanner so I could get the colors as close to real life as possible. Darn that one prisma blue is so prettily...bloo x.x' Eagle, the 'blue tiger' furry dragon belongs to A. Crowe.
An old character dug from the pile and given a makeover and new storyline ^^. She's a cheetah-wolf halfling, trained to kill. Without much knowledge of the outside world, she discovers there is much to learn and veers away from the destiny she was born into. Exile 067 belong to A. Crowe. I gotta store now!
Old picture I found and scanned..well it's not that old..from April. This took a while to color..yay for a wide variety of grey ^-^ hehe. This here is Exile, my furry dragon character based off of a Psycrowe :>. Illustrated furry dragon concept © to me ^^ ..oh! Welcome to all the new artists!! =D.
And here's something rather colorful i must say. High resolution of a web graphic i have at the start of my Furry Dragons Page. Busy ain't it? Characters are © to both me and Jessica Ratte
"Fire In The Sky" The characters illustrated are the gods of Korknack (my little made up world). Left ot right: Takuchikun (god of death and evil things), Blizzard (Goddess of magic and the 'Mother' Furry Dragon) and Achiak (Goddess of life and creator of life). Sunset was drawn loosely from a reference and overall I'm pleased with how this pic turned out (save Blizzard's tail...I dunno what I was doing at that point) The clouds, could've been better too. Korknack and it's gods belong to me ^^
Birthday pic for my buddy, Matt. Thanks for scanning this for me ^_^. Exile belongs to me. Frost belongs to Matt.
Long story. Scene from a roleplay, Firewind is in trouble, for Lord Pyro (big mean, nasty dragon...etc.) caught him. But my sheer luck he escapes. Firewind © to his player, Pyro © to me.
Ganthed, the dragon wolf with an interesting taste in clothing :). He's © to Kim Koskamp
Had to say goodbye to a great friend today...decided I'dd draw a happy picture instead of a sad one too. Remember the good times and everything. I'm going to miss her.
Hisssssss! I apologize for this ^.^''
Oooo, inky goodness. A commission done for Halcyon Northwind. Alicia and Halcyon belong to their players. 3 pens died in the making of this picture ^.^
so then i sketched this up tonight and i like it ^^ Khoal's shirt is nifty... and the 'grinning' Hunter i like too...that's about it...i was having a bit of trouble with the views of Khoal's face...but hntrkhl3.jpg i did a bit later and succeeded with getting the views down a bit better.
See? fun with expressions as well a different face views...3 am drawings are fun, aye?
Adelle Crowe (Psycrowe) —2/3 >