Clark Alan Corwin (Dameriose)
"BasketBall Gorilla" Here is the guy who'll try to replace Michael Jordan. He's got one hot slam-dunk!
"Dragon and a Gentleman". A dragon prince courts a beautiful unicorn princess and kisses her hand as she walks down the stairway. A stained glass window in the background in shape of a heart tells it all. Black and White.
"The Elk's Virgil" A Christian Elk Knight gives his duty to GOD and is rewarded in Grace for his Piety. This is remenecent of the classic crusading knights in shining armor paintings of old.
"Future Enforcer" is a lovely lady fox policewoman in her armor/uniform next to her bike with a blaster held up in her hand. The background is that of a Saturn like planet over an alien mountain horizon. A domed futuristic city is also in the background. Colored.
"Girls are Nuts!" That's what a pre-highschool tabby thinks of the two girls in the hall getting excited by something that is obviously ... girlish. Colored
"Huggin' Posies" Here's one of a little skunk with an armload of daisies. This was for a kids T-shirt that never got out.
"A Tiny Intrusion of Privacy" A little girl morph is suprized by having a tiny dragon on her nose. The dragon is quite upset by having his daily preening being interrupted. Black and White
"Looking Good" Here is where a prank had gone backwards. The prankees are getting a bigger laugh out of the situation than the prankster! Color
"Love Stunked" A love-strucked little bell-femme skunk who has a tail on a poor rabbit. No excape for the poor sot! Colored
"Nina" This pict was based on an old ABBA song, years ago. A little ballerina kitten plays the major role of a very famous Ballette. Black and White
"Posie Baby" Here is a poor little orphaned skunk all done up in her bonnet and diapers. She is waiting for someone to pick her up and give her lots of love.
"Posie Toss" This little skunkette is doing her favorite past-time sport. Tossing daisies and watching them fall all over.
"Rain Farie" This little Fox-Farie pops from under a mushroom to check if the rain has stopped yet.
"Musician's Serenade" A young Jackalope buck woos a Jackalope doe with his romantic musical talent. Black and White
"The Thrill Seekers" Or another title "Getting Caught Doing Something REALLY Stupid". Four jackalopes try to ransack a dragon's lair. Only one finds out that the dragon's still there. Black and White
"Skateboard Werewolf" was designed for a pog years ago. It's a werewolf that is raving it on a ramp in the city on a full moon night. Colored.
Clark Alan Corwin (Dameriose)