Andy Chiaira (Chia) —2/2 >
Oh it's just another pic of my main character. I havent draw too much lately. And I did this pic to make sure I could still draw tammy. Oh p. s. my e-mail has changed to chia, that is if you wont to e-mail me : )
Well, its about time I posted this pic; with yerf down and some of my other projects taking my time, it's been long over do. It's the commission pic for Charlie Duke. I posted half of the pic a few months ago and asked about a name for the character. I got several e-mails with some great names; I wish I could mention them all, but the one I like the best is from Sarin Kilgare and he came up with the name Aliah. So the title picture is Aliah sitting on p-51. Thanks everyone for the e-mails : )
A picture of the nose art on the side of Auslins b-25. It's traditional to put your girl friends picture on the side of your plane for good luck. Sweet tammy has always returned its crew back safely, even after it taken some major beatings.
Commission picture for Gary Thieme. It's a remake of my character Jasmine. Gary suggested the characters pose. But let me decide the rest. Some of these commission pictures are great. They help me get rid of artist block. : )
Commission art, for bart.
This is a picture i have been meaning to post for a long time. hope you like....
A good day at work.
this is my main character Auslin. Just kicking back.
vixen Tammy.
Auslin standing beside his f-86 after a hard mission. Some of the bullet holes on its side tell the story on how it went.
I havent had any time to color in my drawings lately. So I decided to send them in as sketches. This one is another picture of evil Valox.
A picture of Tammy and Auslin talking about the terms of a bet they made. When I find the time I would like to color this one in.
Another picture cleaned up for SCFA family viewing, oops I mean Yerf viewing.
vixen changed for family scfa viewing.
A commission art for Twon. He's teaching Microsoft training coarse and he wonted a picture to go with. I hope the class injoy it. "Ren" copyright of twon
Happy hour.
I just started drawing this character. Not sure of a name for him yet. I was thinking may be velox or thrax. what do you think?
scar and his son kissian. Scar a Disney copyright, and kisasian from Joshua c. Templin story, Tales of Tanabi. I did this drawing some time ago to go with Templins story.
I noticed when I posted my last picture that you couldnt see the detail in the characters. The original picture is 24 inches tall so when I format it yerf size, some of the detail of the picture is lost. So, I trimmed the pic and gave the characters a close up. Hope you enjoy.
new character
old pic of tammy
This is half of a commission picture for Charlie Duke. Later on, I will finish it off by having her sit on a P-51 Mustang. But, when I draw the plane and add her to it, I will have to make the overall picture smaller. So, some of the detail of the character may be lost; therefore I thought I would post just the character for now. You know, I'm always bad at finding names for my characters; does anyone have a suggestion for this one? : )
A picture of Auslin kicking back on the wing of a p-40 long-range seaplane. Picture done for spontoon mag.
I haven't done any drawing in some time, so I did this pic to make sure I could still do it.
I did this pic some time ago, but I couldn't post it intill I change a few things to it.. if anyone wont's the full version of this pic just e-mail at [email protected]. Yea my e-mail has change once again. This should be the last time.....i hope?
Anthropomorphic logo. Feel free to use it if you want. : )
I havent had too much time lately, but when I did have a few minutes, I played around with this picture. I was going to add more to it but I think I am over it.
Well I finally found some time to finish this picture. I plan on sending it to a magazine called Spontoon Island. It's a furry comic that has an aviation theme to it. I have a few more pictures in the works that simualar and I plan on sending them in soon also. Oh! And if you want to contact me about commission art or re-prints drop me a E-mail at my new address, [email protected] or try me at my old address [email protected] . Well I hope you injoy the pic, it looks like Auslin having some kind of trouble this time. : )
Well, this pic isn't really all mine; it's one of Chad Yaffe's pictures that I inked and colored for him. He and I have been passing pictures back and forth through ICQ lately and I asked if I could do this for him. I like his characters and pencil work.
Andy Chiaira (Chia) —2/2 >