Amanda L. Wagner (Chenneoue)
Made this icon for Iisaw so he could feel the "excruciating" cuteness.
This is a remake of an older piece and is going to be turned into a pose. But since I had to do a larger coloring of it, mind as well go somewhat of a background for it. Chenneoue © "Chenneoue" A.L.Wagner (me)
This is my half of an art trade with Seeksie on FO. I hope she likes it. :)
In this image, I tried to capture a natural looking habitat to a some corner of the world anyways. I also wanted a wolf going about running about in that habitat and capture the moment it had to jump a river. I tried to add more susupense by hidding the rock or ledge it planned on jumping to. In all that, I hoped I captured the power and grace of the wolf. This was made with watercolor, colored pencils, aycrillic, and micron pens on bristol.
I wanted something contrasty, since I tend to lack that. Hopefully this is closer to what I should be going for. So here is my fan gift art or whatever for KaHaTeNi. Btw, asside from the micron pens, no black (pencils) were harmed while making this image. :) And Thanx to Thorn for all her advice!
Amanda L. Wagner (Chenneoue)