Briona Campbell (StreeX, Malachi) —2/3 >
It is a beast.
Despite yesterdays obvious display of distaste toward my character design, I've decided to continue uploading none the less. I mean, artwork is a personal thing, I'm just sharing it. Right? Anima is a Copyright © of Briona Campbell
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This is Asbestos. He's a wierd hyena horse cross breed thing that suffers from cicca syndrome, hence the gimp mask and strange fluid generator device hanging off his shoulder. Asbestos is a Copyright © of Briona Campbell 2000
reupload. looks less choppy..... X.x mine!
May as well even that last upload out... here's th' furry me. Yup. Breezy is a Copyright © of Briona Campbell 2000.
These are different perspective shots I did of myself (and those pants that I made ^_^) and yadda. I was real bored after my english exam. So i did this. yeah, I musta stayed in uniform for about 7 hours after class was over doin this one, I was so over tired and I was goin nuts. Gawd I HATE private school.
I debated for a while on wether or not to post this... its a piece I did abouta year ago. an old concept for the comic characters, then there we're only 3... but oh well. I'm in the midst of doing another newer group shot consisting of all 12 recent characters.
A shot of a character from the group, Skyler, looking kinda in some sort of shocked daze at something in the distance. Hes prolly on mesc or cid or something.. I dunno. He's mine.
heres a pic of Richard DaLuz's character, undertow. I dont think that its all that acurate, but I like it all the same.Not too much to say about this one. Undertow is property of his original creator *hugs to rich*
Woo! Glad to see everyones so crazy over me X.x
An earlier sketch I did of myself. I love how I did the head shot, and the body shot (to the left), and it looks like an ill-proportioned body with an abnormally large head. I like the mouth i slapped on her there. (I'm going to now take the libery to explain that panskuff.jpg IS giger influenced. The desc of the uncencored pic on my site says so. I just did'nt for the yerf archive one.) art is Copyright © 98-2000 Briona Campbell
use Schmuckers brand Peroxide.
Cicatrix sitting in front of a laptop. Yes, I intentionally drew it with no table. Cicatrix is a Copyright © of Briona Campbell 2000
Drawn more for the purpose of the clothing design than the actual characters featured here... Just a few things I'm currently working on irl.
very random sketch I did a little while back in my dorm one night. Image is a Copyright © of Briona Campbell 2000
Finished comission. Characters are a copyright of EG Fox Fire, 2001.
just toying with my splash page and ink abilities.... hey, i just realized how cruddy the scanner made my pics look... o well :P © me!
character concept "Estria"
Can anyone else here picture her talking in a saucy black mama voice? did'nt think so. Flesh Mechanic is a Copyright © of Briona Campbell 2000
Got Glam?
I like this guy, but his eyes resemble Ed from TLK way too much to shake off. I did'nt really notice it until I inked and coloured it... I still like the drawing though. But the eyes will have to be changed. This is Gweedo (named after a friend of mine, but i changed the spelling), my skirt-clad ferret (but that part is'nt showing). Gweedo is Copyright © 98-2000 Briona Campbell
Karen's character Icefox fell victim to my recent dress design [she also did a faboo pic of Scurvy, so kudos to karen +_= ]
Here's uhhh, a drawing. not too much I can put in here. appologies for the lack of a lengthy desc here. not too much I can say about this one.
I'm open for commission now:
First let me make myself very very clear, I KNOW this looks like tank girl. That was sort of the point really. I love tank grrl ;P So I don't wanna hear any whining. Javex is a Copyright © of Briona Campbell
.... *shrugs* i dunno.
A drawing I did of my friend Mike whose in love with Kurt Cobain. This one dates back to mid-99, but I still like it. Kurt is a Copyright © of Briona Campbell 2000.
Leech! Not much we can say about Leech. He's lacking Ferris today. Sure can't upload Ferris tho, Sully would kill me. You'll have to go to my website to see her. Leech is a Copyright © of Briona Campbell
Okay, Scotty ripped this one down a while ago too. Well, I blanked out the nipples and other areas that may be offensive for some odd reason. I really never saw a problem with it, but, oh well. This one is about a year old, but I think it still deserves to be in the archives, especially since I'm too slack to bother scanning current work yet. Oh, I have a new website up. For those of you who have'nt seen it yet, go here: . Those who have, go again, just because.
Briona Campbell (StreeX, Malachi) —2/3 >