Cindy Cabrera (Shai) —2/2 >
Well, it had to be done. ;) (It was so obvious, in fact, that Mata had to suggest it). Mata and Shai as everybody's favorite FBI agents! C'mon, get excited! ;) Err... keep in mind that it's not easy reproducing "Scully red" with 50 Crayola pencils.
A pencil drawing of Agiza the hyena of ATM, dreaming on a sunny afternoon. Had a little trouble with the scan, but I think I like the yellowed coloring (probably the result of the paper's color). Makes it look nostalgic. :) Agiza's the property of her player; artwork belongs to me.
A little somethin' for an astoundingly nice person. :) (Who should've kept the goatee long enough for me to get a chance to laugh at it, but oh, well. I guess that's forgivable). :) This pitcher's mine -- touch it, an' I'll give ye a backside fulla buckshot!
A kindly teenage cape buffalo girl helps out a cute li'l warthog girl on the beach. Buffalos in bikinis, yeeeeeee-haw!
Colored-pencil sketch. Frog (I mean FROG, rather), for no other reason than I had some green and blue pencils on hand. I wasn't originally planning to draw anything, so please excuse the weird feet :) ... This is mostly just to let everyone know I'm still alive and kickin'.
A belated birthday picture for Jen Sabado. :) This (these, rather) are one (two?) of the chimera cubs resulting from... well, it's a long story. :) In any case, these twin girlies are © Jen Sabado; artwork © me.
I recently saw "Les Miserables" on stage, and that, combined with the fact that my family's acquired a kitten by the name of Cosette, inspired me to do this furry interpretation of the famous Les Mis logo.
Dhani the meerkat of TLK muck. She's told me she likes this little rendition of her -- I managed to get the coloration right! And before I forget, a BIG thank you to those of you who wrote to me with welcomes and comments! :) I'll be writing back soon, I promise -- I'm a terrible procrastinator when it comes to e-mail. ;)
Heh heh... foolin' around with colored pencils. This little guy's head and body were actually drawn seperately and then tacked together in PSP. And he *does* have wings... they just don't... stand out. The little Frankenducky is © me.
It's a pig! It's flying!
Gabriel the donkey, in color. I'd love to get some comments on this - what works, what doesn't? In other words, heeeeeeeelp!
My piece of resistance - the long-awaited, completely un-ballyhooed Jednorozec the unicorn. Based on a photo of a Przewalski's horse, Jed's what I've always believed a unicorn should be - scruffy, wild, and not a little ill-tempered. He doesn't use that horn to cure ailing princes. :)
I don't plan to leave this up for too long, as it's just a little sketch, but... well... I thought I stood a better chance of finding an audience who'd recognize it here. I'm taking a Comics and Animation course, and I've finally gotten ahold of some of George Herriman's Krazy Kat strips. After a few hours looking at them, well..... this was the result. Shai and Mata, everyone's favoriting bickering meerkats, as Krazy and Ignatz. Enjoy.
"Oh, honey, I'm not a rogue lion - I'm a ROUGE lion!" This is dedicated to anyone who knows how to spell and has ever been on any African-themed muck :)
This is my donkey character, Gabriel. He's making faces.
Rooooooooooock LOBSTER!
Mata the meerkat of TLK Muck, dressed up in some spiffy duds. Mata's © his player.
Seems there's a trend in evil villaining these days - miniature clone sidekicks. Since Krishva's always on the cutting edge, she was the first on the block to come home with a shiny new Mini-Krish. Cute, ain't they? Krishva is solely the property of one Kristin Jacques, long may she wave. :) Krishva © Kristin Jacques, to put it bluntly.
Oh, sweet, sweet revenge ;) For ever Sexy Shai, there must be equal parts Sister Mary MoRBiD. I loved that drawing so much, I had to reply in kind. Thanks, Gus! ;) MoRBiD is the creation of one Gus Kosmopoulos.
Shai the meerkat, dressed in the typical attire of a Masai tribeswoman, as based on a few photos I dug up online. Don't look now, but there's even a hint of background.
Well, this is what you get when you sketch while watching "Conspiracy Theory." ;) A nervous wolf looks over his shoulder... his name's Nil, by the way, after the term in Spades, and the text is a line from the movie. Seemed appropriate. :) I'd love some comments on this -- on any of my drawings, actually!
Thanks to my wonderful, wonderful new scanner (the replacement for my old one that went kaput a week or so ago), I've got some beautiful new scans which are *far* superior to the old ones. As evidence, here's the new and improved Orca -- he's still as miffed as ever, but in even more glorious black and white.
One of my all-time favorite movies, "The Philadelphia Story", was on yesterday, and I couldn't resist the urge to do a furry version of my favorite scene... Jimmy Stewart carries Katherine Hepburn back to the house after a late-night, champagne-inspired swim. He's singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." ;) Lotsa brownie points with me if you know why Jimmy *had* to be a rabbit. :)
He's not exactly built right, and he's a little over-highlighted, but, heck -- I think he's cute. :)
Imagine my chagrin when I realized I hadn't put up m'own pic on the site yet! Well, Shai appears in tangokats.jpg with Mata, but that's not the same. :) Here she is filling in for me at my summer job at Blockbuster... work us like mules, they do... Those are videotapes she's carrying, by the way.
Shai the Clown! -- based on a long-lasting joke on IRC. Shai the Clown 137: Shailence of the Lambs... :) Anyway, I'm still working on my use of colored pencils -- I'm pretty pleased with the way this turned out.
It's Shaka the hyena, for my good friend Gus! Thanks so much for the *wonderful* drawing of Shai. :) But.. *I* have a dirty mind? Sweet little innocent Cindy? You must be mistaken. :) Shaka © Gus Kosmopolous, artwork and all mistakes contained within © Saint Cynthia C.
I like kangaroos.
Well, well, well... what can I say about this? :) Inspired by a Cake song - "Sheep Go to Heaven" - this little drawing illustrates just *why* it is that sheep go to heaven and goats go to hell. Dig them boxers! (Oh, and several friends have suggested that the supposedly-saintly sheep is eyeing the goat with more than an innocent interest...) Um, image © me, song © Cake, I guess?
He's... a sly lion. He's sashaying up to a co-conspirator to whisper things.
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