< 3/5— Tracy Butler (Hali, Sly) —5/5 >
-'s a pretty boring sketch of Regin. I uploaded it just to annoy you all (Ha!...well, not really...I was just bored...actually ;) *sigh* I couldn't even get him to smile for this one. You're no fun, Regin. His wardrobe sure has changed a lot, hasn't it? I like this formal generals get up (making up decent clothes is half the battle ^_~) better than the other garbage I used to make him wear =) Okay...I suppose I should shut up now. I think it took me longer to write the description than it took to draw the picture :P
- image done for Sanguine Productions. Don't get in the habit of drawing and painting rocks >;P My scanner messed up the lighting...ignore that ;)
- It's mah Dragon, Rocky ^_^ ...who graced the pages of my high school notebooks freshman and sophomore year. I had an old picture of him on my webpage somewheres and a few people asked about him, so here's a sketch. Eventually I'll do some decent artwork involving him =) I did some 3-D art of him using that FIMO stuff a while back...ironically, it was destroyed by my cat...Rocky (^_~)
- New illustration for chapter 2 (no, I haven't posted it just yet...gimme a couple of days). Killian (the bull) and Ronwe (the stag)'re fighting. See? Colored pencils and gouache.
- It's Ronwe...yes, he's a He's not an important character...but I drew him anyway ^_~
- Heehee! ^_^ Goofy "Slayers" type run-away-thery're-going-to-hurt-us picture. Like I said--it's goofy and cartoony--not usually my style. Musta been drinking Surge or something...:)
- Character done for Sanguine ( © Sanguine)...Anton D'Avoirdupois (Aye! What a name! >;P) Not happy with the picture :/
- Picture for Sanguine publishers....© to Sanguine =) Beagen, the atavist wolf. 3:00 in the morning....-_-
- A commissioned piece for Brien J. Miller's novel-in-progress, "Shining Full Clear." I initially drew it out on paper and then painted it in Photoshop.
- Lots of snow...and Tess is in there somewhere too =) Watercolor.
- 'You talk too much.' =) Tess and Dustin © Me
- It's a picture of a dragon =) Well, actually, it wil appear on the index of my new webpage. I decided the one I have now was...well...crappy--and irritating. So here's part of a picture that will soon be colored...Sildhedara..who has -something- to do with all of my characters...only he doesn't actually exist =) © me
- There..this one's a little less crappy than the other one. I lost a lot of the detail I put in it when I scanned it, though....oh well. It's © me anyway =)
- Requested picture for Sir Kain )copyright Eric Goodwin ^_^). I'm not happy with it...I'll do it over again later I guess :P
- One of two self portraits I had to do for a scholarship application--as you may have guessed it's the non-traditional one. I don't like it...and if I had time to do it over, I would...but I don' I won't =) And for those of you who've been asking, that's Sly on the bottom...Sly the Mag (short for magnificent, of course ^_~)--a nickname my friends gave me. Will I explain? No.
- I was just thinking to myself that Dustin seems to be the target of an extraordinary amount of aggression...then I remembered why =)
- Well..this was a pretty big picture, so I had to scan it in two pieces. My scanner+pasting pieces together+lossy files makes for a very crappy image. Oh well, I worked very very hard on it, and I hope that's still somewhat evident ^_^ does the picture make any sense? no? good =)
- This one's about twice the size of most of my other paintings (which means it took about four times as long to do ^_~). You can probably tell that I had to scan it in parts and paste it all together (a lot of work for a relatively pointless picture). Done all in watercolor...missing a lot of detail from scanning and stuff, and I think Regin's coat is a little big for Cassy =)
- Yeah...don't even ask what Super Soupers are =) Just a comic I did...during chem lab. Sly the Mag has fantasies of driving a tank through five o'clock traffic....don't you all? The green thing next to Sly in the car is Spedly (turtle!)..and Spud and Spunk (the funky spunky are in the back. You can't see them...oh well.
- I don't think any of them will ever speak to me again ^_~ I guess I ODed on the Beatles. The Sgt. Pepper get-up is © Apple Corps LTD. Regin (who manages to maintain some dignity even while dressed in chartreuse and orange), Griffin, Dustin, and Fox © me
- A requested picture for Stafir done in gouache mostly...and there's some colored pencil in there too--Hope you like it ^_^ (Stafir is copyrighted to himself) :)
- It's Starset! (copyright Emilie Bosworth..aka Commando Bunny) :) Hope you like it Emilie ^_^
- Supernatural delight ^_^ Luna Aspasia © to me
- Temper tantrums are a whole lot worse when big psychos are involved =) Oooh! and I got accepted at SCAD (yay!)...but alas--poor Sly--the gods of financial aid hath not smiled upon thee.....anyway, Xaphan, Orobas, and Astaroth are © me
- Angie Armitage © Chris LaFollette Thanks for that beautiful drawing of Cassy! ^_^ Here's my end of the bargain...(I know she -normally- doesn't have an eyepatch, but I used of one Chris's pictures as a reference...I hope that's somewhat accurate) =)
- The picture I owed to Fernblossom ^_^ sorry I took so long, Kelly---been kinda preoccupied lately :P Thanks again for the picture of Luna! It's Malaleila (I sure I hope I spelled that right ^_~) the cheetah...character © Kelly Hamilton
- Tefnet and Sekhmet--they're Egyptian, and um, I dunno what they're doing exaclty...I had a bit of trouble erasing around Tefnet's hand--so it looks kinda funny. Oopsie. (Result of very brief infatuation with Egyptian stuff)
- It's the black and white not-colored-yet version of Tefnet and Sekhmet. Okay. Bye-bye
- Terra! ^_^ Character copyright Tory Chang...thanks so much for the picture of Luna and the letter you sent! I hope you like it :D
- A bunch of little sketches of faces I did a while back (that's right! another old picture). It was supposed to be a normal drawing if I remeber corectly...but then I got carried away. Tess looks nothing like this anymore too. Her hair is long now, and her face looks different in general. And um...well...I can't think of anything else to say!
< 3/5— Tracy Butler (Hali, Sly) —5/5 >