Tracy Butler (Hali, Sly) —2/5 >
It's...a dog. More appropriately, it's Apowwo! He's a good boy, yes he is! ^_^ Er...ahem...Apollo. Pen and ink on illustration board.
It's just a quick little portrait of Cassy I did a loooong time ago. *Shrug* Oh I posted it anyway. She looks sad...she always looks kinda sad though. Colored pencil mostly.
I'll never do a Celtic knot like -that- again...cripes! Well, anyway, at least look at took a while ^_~ It's just a more updated picture of Cassy...I hadn't drawn her in a while, and that other portrait type picture of her was just..bad =) Gouache-- Cassy © me
A *huge* poster I did (one of three of them actually) with most of my characters...done in colored pencil, watercolor, and gouache. It was waaay to big to scan too, so I took a picture of it, but the picture didn't come out very well. It's dark and blurry and crooked and part of the left hand side got chopped off. :P Oh well...I'll retake the picture....someday....maybe. Right now it's covering up the ugly yellow cinder block wall in my dorm room. Good thing it's big.
Another huge poster---this one is a lot older, but with the same characters (minus a few I hadn't invented yet). Of course, I don't like it, but what else is new? It's kinda funny to look at the characters and see how much they've changed...ewww.
...stayed up till 3:47am coloring it -_- Why? I don't know...I even painted and outlined every single link in Fox's chain mail sleeve took a while =) The less than elated Fox and Dustin are © to me!
Griffin and Tess...the cutpurse and the cutthroat. How nice ^_^ Not particularly happy with this one :P Griffin and Tess © me!
A picture of a character of mine, Cassy, sitting on some vines or ivy or something...heh. It's done in gouache...very very watered down gouache. It looks like a watercolor...oops. Well, anywho...that's Cassy.
Dierdre, the kill-crazy squirrel. Another character design done for Sanguine Publishers ( and © to Sanguine as well). Gouache! ^_^
I hope the scan looks okay...I'm actually -somewhat- happy with the actual image for a change (but that won't last ^_~). Mostly just gouache this time...and some colored pencils too
Requested logo of a blue dragon. Okay...well, I can't think of anything else to say about it yeah, it's watercolor and ink. :)
It's DarkRaven (the black cat) and DemonaDC of FurryMuck enjoying an eveing in the park under the stars *happy sigh* Done on request for DarkRaven (he's the best! anything for DR!) ^_^
Um......Heh...where'd that come from? Dustin?...and Tess? together?! I think not... whoa...I don't know -what- I was thinking when I drew this one...
Requested picture of a family on FurryMuck! ^_^ I...can't tell you who they are though...just that they're copyrighted! :D
Another requested picture done for Derecho. There are a few things that need fixing though. I'll get around to it...I swear! really! No...don't look at me like that. (Derecho copyrighted to his player)
That Luna's a fiesty one :) Lord Gannon (well, okay, I've been calling him Adonis more often ,but that's his whole name...and NO--I did not get that from a video game...we all know...and love) has his hands full, I guess. Luna Aspasia and Adonis or whatever are © me! ^_^ Gouache and colored pencil (as usual)
I worked hard on this look at it!..No! Look closer! It looks better on paper, actually :P Regin and Lusty-Luna © me....gouache and the other stuff I always use...y'know...
Fox and Cassy...this one is hard to explain :) Ummm...well, you'll just have to read the story...when I post it on my page that is. Heh. Sad scene :(
A bunch of was a portfolio piece, and it won first place at some art show...for some unexplainable reason. Oops...and I need to adjust the lighting on it too I guess :P Oh, how my colored pencils did suffer!
Okay--Fox's real name is Keegan. Everyone I've talked to so far doesn't like it...but they can just cram it with walnuts! (no..well, actually, that's just a joke. I'm not -that- hostile...normally ;) But there are a few reason's why I picked it...and besides, all of the other characters call him Fox anyway =) So there's Fox...with his perpetually worried expression wondering what he's doing in a general's uniform. He's © me
It's my character Fox (yeah...I know. Tell me about it) He doesn't have a *real* name yet because I can't find one. This picture is kinda old...oh well.
Um..okay..well, this won't make any sense to anyone, but that's alright =) Mannix and Grim © to me
Okay...I -tried- to fix the scan...I'm not sure if it worked. Oh's that comic...again.
Part of an animation of Griffin that I'll probably never finish (probabry...not nececelery ^_~). I wanna be an aminator...ahem...animator. :)
Another picture of more character of mine. Of course, it probably makes no sense to you...but that's okay ^_^ It's done in gouache and...whatever else I had near me at the time (heehee). Someone *really* wants this picture--he tried to steal it in fact! Mebbe I should just give it to him...:)
Okay...I finished it...that was a lot of work (and a lot of paint too):P I can never tell how the uploads are going to might be out of focus or something. Oh...and since Chris got mad because I didn't list all of the characters' names on the penciled image, it's Leandra Aneasta, Regin Faolan, Brock Conlai, Mannix Oren, Rowan Ronwe, Bren Killian, Aidan Aneasta, Grim Oren and Cullen Daron =)
a picture of a few of my furry characters that I did for my web page
Uh...Xaphan appears to be explaining something to Astaroth...but Xaphan's not really the type to explain what he does...and Astaroth probably wouldn't listen anyway :) Gouache and some other stuff...
Why haven't I uploaded in a while? Because I lost everything on my hard drive to a virus >:| @$%&!! So anyway...Captain the hallway...with the tiger =) Colored pencils and some junk.
Thank the gods--it's the last one ^_^ Which means I don't have to stay up long enough to see Leno, Conan O'Brien, Later, then re-runs of Leno, then Married with Children...that's about 4:00 or so :P More sleep is good...Hendrick (© Sanguine)...strange name :P Guess where he got the hat and hair look ^_^
Tracy Butler (Hali, Sly) —2/5 >