Matt Burt (Badvibes) —2/6 >
This is my first attempt at drawing Alpha. I didn't like it so I made that other pic of her. But I knew I couldn't just let the pic rot, so I made it better by doing a lot of computer graphics crap to it. Yeah, you could care less how I made it, right? Neither could I, so just download the pic already.
This is Alpha the way I draw her. .reh ward I yaw eht ahplA si sihT...... RETSAM em llac lla lliw uoy taht retfa dna lortnoc YM rednu eb lla lliw uoy hcihw retfa etats citonpyh a ogrednu lla ll'uoy egassem sdrawkcab siht gnidaer retfA Uhhh... Alpha © by some girl I know online
Remember that movie ALIENS? That sucker scared the heck out of me, and I'm sure THIS alien has just scared a lot more out of this poor, innocent furry with her not-so-poor-and-innocent gun. I meant for this picture to look all sci-fi, but I messed up and changed it around. Now the scene looks like one of those neo-punk scenes from the Batman and Robin movie.
Artie keeps on bugging me to draw him, so..... here's a b&w drawing of him. There, Artie, YOU HAPPY NOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Artie is copyright of Mike Reyes... (Actually, it ain't REALLY copyrighted... I'm just saying it is for I dunno what reason....)
Blah blah blah blah blah Artie. Blah blah BLAH blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah BLAH blah blah cop-ee-write-ed by Mike Reyes BLAH BLAH blah.
Blessed be the man who hath created Photoshop!! This is a pic of my bud AXER, practicing his ninja skills or whatever at some cool place somewhere out there (~beneath the PALE moonlight...~ hahaha--shoot me!). If nobody here has seen Axer's art, you're really missing somethin' Background in this pic was done by Disney people. Axer © J. Axer
This is a love pic for Axer and Ora. Notice the orb is held up by a sculpture of Gold Digger characters. Woo-hoo! Uh, the image of Ora and axer in the crystal will change, really. Axer and Ora © their creators and the GD characters © Fred Perry
Description of azycoo.jpg is now Azy is a really REALLY good friend to me, so I decided to draw her again to show my appreciation. And LOOK! I gave her a nifty outfit and got her eyecolor right! And before you people ask, "Why'd you draw her with her tongue sticking out?" or "Why'd you draw her with no shoes?" Answer-1. I dunno, I guess that's her way of saying, "HA! I'm cooler than you." Answer-2. Either the trees told me to do it, I just forgot, or I'm the freakin' artist who can do whatever the heck he WANTS with the pic. Azy © Jessica Heyl. HEIL JESSICA!! Viva las chorkas!!
An investigation of the mysterious murder of his father leads Johnathan Badvibes into a horrific adventure that spans two worlds. Drawn using DABBLER 2. I morphed some colors into the pic instead of taking the time to draw a background. Dedicated to a missing two year-old girl who was found dead this Halloween day.
A pic of Sonic & Tails wearing wide-legged jeans.
This is Axer in some sort of battle gear. For those of you who do not know, I sorta' based the gloves off of those that Gully wears in that new awesome comic book, BATTLE CHASERS by Joe Madweera... Madureiry... Madureira... Madrirura... I dunt gnow haw hiz nayme iz spelt, butt yoo shood bi hiz commic eneways. Axer is © J.Axer
When TWISTED ED comes after you on his hellish rollerblades, YOU BETTER RUN!!
A drawing of Brandon in a fighting position.
I asked myself, " What if Brandon's worst enemy became a vampire and hung out at Cstlevania?" Eventually I came up with this very cool drawing.
Ah, time again for me to upload so you all can gaze upon my monochromenice (is that an actual word?) Anyway, here we have Cheetah (Fred Perry's most awesome morphic chick) and Sephiroth (Yes, it's the FF7 Sephy, so YES you DO want to download this, Hysteria). I'll probably delete this later, for I plan to add Vincent to the pic as well, so everyone download this ASAP. Uhh... that's all...
One of my best drawings yet. If you're a Gold Digger fan, download this. Man, after drawing this sucker, I now know why Fred's comic is bi-monthly. Cheetah © Fred Perry Hexel and art is © Matt Burt
Ever wonder why Barney's so stupid?? It's because some freakin' kid burned half of his brain off. Imagibe the kids at home watching this: ?Mommy? What does @#$!!& mean?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA--- SHUT UP!!!
A pic of Bunnie Rabbot that I drew in my spare time.
It's Knock-Knock, the psychotic woodpecker bounty hunter... not in color yet... I own this guy, so nobody use him for personal profit or else.... I'll think of you as a bad person.... ?...
And here's CHAPPA, one of the characters in a comic that two of my friends and I are working on called SCYTHE. Chappa is an assassin who has a few screws loose in his head.... and... well that's about all I can tell you. Chappa is (C) by Matt Burt so don't take him or I will burn your house down. < : ^ D
Okay, here at the Art Institue of Pittsburgh we have this CHARACTER DESIGN class. This is one of the characters I made for that class. I don't have a name for it... so, any of you people have any cool names? Mail me if you do. [By reading this statement, I am automatically entitled to e-mail Matt Burt and give him a name for his dragon character. If not, I will give him money.] HA! See, now you HAVE to mail me OR ELSE!!!!!! Dragon guy © by ME!!!!
And here is part two of that dragon character I made up in me character drawing class. I still have more drawings of him to scan... but I haven't got them back yet. DANGIT!!!!! THOSE FOOLISH TEACHERS!! This is an OUTRAGE!! SometimesIjustwanttowalkuptothemand HIT THEM IN THE FACE!!!!! ......... Oops, did I say that out loud? Heh... Nameless dragon dude is © by Matt J. Burt
Princess Cherry Blossom!! Sorry, Cherry, I should've finished this sooner. I guess it's just that I'm too busy with nothing (IOW--I'm lazy) Princess Cherry Blossom is © by someone, so don't copy her or something...
What you see here is probably one of the most awesome frogs in the galaxy. CASCAN JEP ("C.J." for short) is a dreamworld frog that can morph into a DRAGON. Here, you see C.J. in both forms. You can find C.J. and many other cool characters in a rare comic called "CreeD." C.J. is © Trent Kaniuga
This is COFFEE CAT, a character I drew for a friend on AOL.
Same pic of Sonic and Tails wearing baggy clothes, but this time it's in COLOR, thanks to Mike Reyes.
If I were the one making Chrono Trigger 2, this would be one of the characters that I would include in the game. An old mouse-drawn mouse drawing of mine.
This is a pic of.... (from left to right) TOP: Tails, Coffee, Shades MID: Mune, Asrial, EG BOTTOM: Vixie, Blue Fang, Tent
HOLY PORKCHOP SANDWICHES!! It's a DING!! Yeah, I doodled this up for Erin one night on my tablet, cuz you KNOW yer not wit' da IN-CROWD unless you have a TABLET! Yeah! Word-up to my Wacom homies! *Flashes gang symbols* \|/ >0< \|/ Art © Matt Burt Ding © Erin Middendorf
Matt Burt (Badvibes) —2/6 >