< 1/3— Clint Buehler (SilverFox) —3/3 >
This is Sid, another roleplaying buddy who wouldn't think of calling himself "furry" yet plays as a large, walking, talking, lizard like creature :P He's a Segorian Snornthied (don't ask..) a reptilian with the ability to morph into just about any reptile like creature.
Sid the Segorian Snornthied as I would draw him now. The other pics I had of him were about 2 years old :) Sids a little bit happier with this version of himself.
You know there's something wrong when they start to talk back.... Time to cut back on the caffine...Bth! yeah right =)
My character SilverFox! The caption should explain it all. :)
Just an early drawing of an armor clad Fox-warrior.
*sigh* Just some wishfull thinking.. Its been raining here in Missoula MT. for a week or so and all I want to do is lounge around in the sun! *huff* This weather is starting to depress me :( Oh, and everybody, wish Digo a speedy recovery from the flu! I just got over it myself... It wouldn't happen to be raining there would it? :)
hehe, since I put up my webpage I've gotten more than just a few e-mails from people asking questions like, "How do you know if your furry or not?".. or "How do you know what animal you tend towards?". For some it's easy,...others just can't make up thier mind :) as usual © blah blah blah.
Didn't want people to think I'd died so made this between assignments. College blows... =) I also wanted to thank everyone for the great welcome to the SCFA! You people rock =]
Well, someone was asking what I look like in RL. All I had is a 5 year old, graduation picture. You'll have to imagine a beard on me, vandyke style...(hehe, even more furry!) it seems my alterego is trying to tell you something too. :)
I'm back from my 3 month trek through Tibet and... er.. ok, actually I've been having the worst case of artist-block I've ever known. Here's about the only thing I've had worth uploading in a long time. A goofy lookin dragon with a cheese-ball grin. JOY JOY FEELINGS!
A quick inkwash pic of a miffed raccoon guy. I think he's ticked off at Disney for giving his part in Robin Hood to a damned fox. "Who cares if he's sly!... I've got a friggen mask and finger dexterity!!!". And a big thanks to the somebody, who will remain unnamed, that could say nothing other than "Um... raccoons are plantigrade". I should be flogged, nay, I should be purged. I am but a naive.
A moody little piece I've been working on for a while. Even more moody cause some, non-furry, passerby had to go and make a stupid remark..."Oh look, its coonan the furbarian!" Funny, but I felt like ringin the guys neck :)
One of those pics that has been sitting around for a while and just isn't getting finished. I still think it's worth taking a look at though. I sure do like to draw those double-headed knife thingies don't I...
I wonder whats got him in such a bind? Perhaps it's my downward-spiral drawing slump..
A character mock-up for an anthro dragon fellow. Blue pencil rough included.
I drew this yesterday while at a coffee dive. By far one of the cutest pics I've done lately. Colored pencil mostly with the border cleaned up in ps5. And no!, it's not a drug induced pokemon-wannabe critter. It's just a, nya!
Here's Alpha Dingo giving you a big "Gidday!".. I tried to draw her in original style but couldn't get it quite right.. (they sucked) Then tried to do a more cartoonish - less anime-ish version but it looked to silly.. (It sucked) So I opted for my own style. (Up to you I guess).
Another re-upload from the Yerf Binaries. I did this up for someone I care for very much. Though she's not furry by nature, her nickname is Mouse. Wish I could see her every day for the rest of my life but she lives 2 states away. The visits are just to few and far between :(
I saw a few pics of 'Go' that looked like he'd been pummeled, so I decided to send him something more substantial than a katana to mess those suckers up :) This horribly, awefull, rendition of Go provided by me. Go! Ryusuke © by William Ruzicka.
This is an image I made up for the front cover of an up-n-coming online magazine. Hopefully the sites designer will make up her mind on how the layout will be someday. From what she says, the site will post, monthly, fantasy/sci-fi writtings, poetry, and artwork of the like. Sounds cool to me. I should really stop spreading my time so thin. Grinning psycho lizard © me
Just a happy fox :) Hey!, I just added a furry forum to my page! Please stop by and post. Make it a great place to meet new people and help out your fellow furry. Peace.
Werewolves are cool, and this one is doubley so. Thanx Dan for being so patient. Work puts such a damper on my art time anymore it seems. The very cool Hunter is © Dan Skelton.
Well, this is the first appearance of my other offline character, Jay. hm.. what is he? Jay is a Moody-recluse (no, thats not a description, it's what he is...) whoa, he's got hair that would make a Saiyan ashamed..
Just one of my characters I got around to coloring in. Ok, I went WAY overboard on the 'special FX'. I got my fix... I can quit anytime, I swear! Kenjicoon © myself
Gah!, uploaded the wrong pic first off. I've been wanting to upload this all weekend but I was staying in at the office and couldn't figure out how to ftp through their damned proxy ;) I did this up because I got so much great feedback on my last mesozoic pic.. Thanks guys! Misc dino-archer guy climbing a tree during a partial eclipse. You know... the usual.
Just finished this up this morning. Had lots of fun with the background. 'painting' with photoshop is just so cool. Just a slinky, mesozoic, steggo-babe. Too damn cute.
hm.. I just don't understand, when you take fur into account.. >:P
An Anubis looking fellow with one of those wicked blade things I usualy draw. Blue pencil rough and inked version shown. It might just get finished someday.
A Red Squirrel with some attitude and ammo.. Really starting to dig colored pencil work. All characters are done with colored pencil but I cheated on the background and foreground (other than the rocks). Oh yeah, and I'm not dead.
"Run Away! We're being invaded by amazonian pyooky Kyoot vixens!... Don't just stand there and stare *whack*... Run for your life man!" heh, couldn't help myself. The vixen is © CJB. "mine mine mine! down down down! go go go!" -Daffy Duck.
< 1/3— Clint Buehler (SilverFox) —3/3 >