< 1/2— Jennifer Brown (Pipix)
Okay ..Okay, I'm a halloween buff. This one is dedicated to my little cousin Katlin...Because this is what she is going to be this year. :) I think it will be a SMASH at the party. (Yes pun was intended.) Ink and brush, colored in photoshop.
A picture of pipix all decked out in currency. it's a color pencil and ink drawing pasted on a piece of birthday package wrapping paper. Happy St. Patricks day green!!!
Tirra RedDawn dances in the spotlight~like moonlight. done in water color medium and ink while I was board out of my mind at work. (I'm a security guard in a building time forgot)...nuff said. I saw a fox outside and thought gee fox's at, WAIT! I'm on Yerf and I have yet to draw a here she is! Enjoy!
HAZZZAH!!!!!!! A Patriotic, Halloween Costumed, Comic Book Tribute!!! Okay I was REALLY Board and wanted to do Super hero Cats for halloween, and well, The picture started making itself, I honestly had no idea WHat it would look like when done. HAPPY ACCIDENT! As my art professor says.
Ah yes, Opposites do attract...some times...Hey HouseCats are picky critters. Hand Brushed Higgins black magic ink, on Canson paper. Colored in Photoshop 5.0 This is a request for Inferno, Art work © Me 2002.
This picture was done for David Blonn, The worlds greatest Pouncival, and the nicest CAT you could ever meet. (Also a Really Wonderful Misto) ::WINK:: © Jennifer Lynn Brown, 2002
two black magical kitties on a rainbow beach ball. A commision for Quaxo Cat. I usually don't use lens flairs...but somehow this time It REALLY helped unify the piece. Art © me , characters © Quaxo cat
Another commision for Mysteria and Quaxo cat. Their family portrait. This is one of my favorite pictures to date. I really enjoyed drawing the diffrent personalities of the black cats. characters © Mysteria, Quaxo Cat, and Mordrid Cat. art © me.
Well, as you can see the original Angel and Devil pictures WERE SO popular that everyone asked me to combine them. I Found the play of light and dark good and evil, really interesting. I chose in this piece to make the devil and angel embracing like good friends. This is because I BELIEVE THAT good and evil should work together to make a positive balance. (Smiles) overall I think the piece is one of my best to date and VERY cute! ~enjoy!
A picture of Pyxis (© Jennifer Brown 1999, Do NOT COPY HER IN ANY WAY!..NO FAN FICS OR PARADIES PLEASE), blue bird and a tribal squirrle (these guys are random..feel free to borrow them. :) )in a traditonal cheshirian village. a color pencil / winsor newton brush ink / water color/ acylic paint. painting originally 11x17.
A christmas preasent for Kelvin the Lion. :) My favorite little spastic kangaroo actress sporting her hand knitted.. (yes HAND KNITTED) poncho.
This picture is pritty self explanitory. Dedicated to all the nice people out there that REAlly care. A few kind words can heal all wounds. THANK YOU! It's india ink on canson paper. colored in photoshop 4.0 Titled: YERF people = Nice people.
I did this on my wacom tablet one night after a horrible incident at Denny's. I figured Pipix would be the type to tick off Goldie, the dog waitress in the background. P.S. the entire page is hand colored. No fills or patterns were used, just good ol' fashion wacom brush pen.
This is my character Tristan. I drew this completely on the computer. :) originally he was standing in front of the new London theater...But, I liked the posters on the wall better. Tristan co. me 2001.
A beautiful unicorn maden sits in a dusky earth woodland. I just was experimenting with a new set of dip pens and ink, as well my new version of Photoshop.
This is Pipix riding a Zwoot in Weirdoran. HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELVIN THE LION. This odd picture is for you!
< 1/2— Jennifer Brown (Pipix)