Jim Boswell (Swike) —2/2 >
A lion with an extreme snarl. Done with the WACOM(TM)(R)(C) Inc. Pty. Ltd.
Someone said I should draw more gr[i|y][ffin|ffon|phon]s, so I made a start with this one. I haven't thought of a name for him yet, but when I do, it'll probably have a lot of apostrophes in it.
My latest foray into the haunted and scary mansion that is 3D Modelling. A bird of exotic, but indeterminatableness species.
Angus draws a pistol on a small bird. It's just a doodle - I don't advocate the point-blank execution of cutesy cuddly widdle birdy-wirdies, I'm not a psycho. Guys? Guys? Where's everybody gone?
Non-sequitur of the day. It's got an iguana-type guy and a doggie in it. Naturally.
X, because it's extra, baby. Why? Because it's extra baby! So what the hell is going on? Find out (or don't) when my webpage is updated! (Haha, updated, what a funny word. I wonder what it means?)
Czanad contemplates a packet of Bran-O-Rama for some reason or another.
A rather spontaneous coyote, looking spontaneous. He's wearing purple sneakers.
A pencil sketch of a disgruntled horse. Well you'd be annoyed too, if you had hair like that.
Charming, suave, sophisticated dragon makes his argument against burnt bread. With guest appearance by boot-on-a-stick. Again it's an alarming lack of sequitur, yes, but this time, somebody asked for it. So nerny-squir to you.
A rather mesomorphic canine points at the side of the screen. Yes, it's a brief break from boring old Jimothy, what with these extra-cartoony bodies, and Jennifer-Rodriguez-style faces.
From 1996 (aagh! hide!), but I still like it. He's Hank, a crocodile, who lurks in dark and secret corners doing dark and secret things.
As I've been absolutely inundated with requests (unfortunately those requests were to get off Yerf and sell my Wacom tablet), here's the concise, yet comprehensive guide to drawing Angus.
I hate you, John Nicholas!
How much cake can you eat?
A rather dapper foxie does nothing interesting. Fractal Design Painted.
Oh dear. Seems like Jim go a wee tipsy at a pub and thought drawing this might be a good way to pass the time while his buddies fetch the drinks. I suppose that wouldn't be so bad if, in his persistent state of blurriness, he didn't also figure it a neat idea that he should upload it to Yerf.
#1 in the series of 'Waiting for the web' doodles. This raccoon thinks he's Kylie Minogue.
I was looking at the Recent Uploads, as I so often do when days are long and seats are comfy, and I thought, "There's just not enough vectorized cheetah ladies standing next to the word 'Trolleylolly'". So, in an effort to counter this, I offer up this example of CorelDraw soup. I hope you like 'em with a loud taste in club psychedelia. Not that I'm a club psychedelia sort of person. (reuploaded with minor fixes - muchas danke schoen to the mercifully observant and ever dutiful Cameron Floyd.)
A small initiative experiment in somewhat clean, somewhat inky looking pictures. One has to start somewhere. Comments, critiques, letters of complaint, blank cheques, James Van Der Beek fan fiction, or whatever else are all welcome.
SSDD's Norman Gates is blessed with a face that commands attention. Let Alan Foreman corrupt your pristine minds at and you too will regain your penchant for short-fused psychos. Artwork © me, Norman © he.
My muses are the default paper textures in Painter. In other news, SAHIOAIHO#ug3R 3293RWt * ytF327G2D3G7 23 82393 G983232sdfsfd. I upload less often than you do.
Rock the Casbah! It's the PacRat herself! Or Jennifer Rodriguez's character in layman's terms. Picture © me, PacRat © she.
A puzzled platypus, hastily squiggled and shaded. I could probably add a loud red header and pass it off as an obscure comic cover.
Christmas. Too much giving, not enough civil unrest.
A passing episode of temporal madness. The story of my life. B'anyway, this one features yet another approximately vulpine creature, discovering >>>>>>>> THIS IS THE INTERGALACTIC TROUSER SQUAD, AND WE HAVE TAKEN OVER THIS DESCRIPTION. SURRENDER TEN MILLION OF YOUR EARTH DOLLARS BEFORE SUNRISE OR THE AMERICAS WILL BE NO MORE! >>>>>>> rything exploded! Oh, those were the days. Anyway, enjoy the pic.
Angus vs. Czanad in Quake 2, which I am still playing far too much. Can you guess what happened next?
LOOK OUT EYEBALLS HERE COMES CARTOON FUN!!!!! Here's a picture of a rhino that I drew at the age of two then forgot about for 19 years. Copyright Bos Wjim 1981.
This one was drawn 1cm x 3cm. Now it's bigger than it should be and coloured funny.
Oh no! Shark warnings!
Jim Boswell (Swike) —2/2 >