Eric Blumrich (Mr. Ploppy) —2/2 >
Woo! Lookit me- first dang thing I've been able to coax out of my head since anthrocon! Who knows- in a few months, I might actually break out the watercolors again!
As I was referring to in figure A, there is a definite perceptable cuvature, which could lead to numerous problems in both marketing, and post-manufacture quality control. Look at my sketches.
A variation on a theme, I know, I know... I may not get many original ideas, but at least I'm DRAWIN', again... Shut up, Jose- I'm working on your picture...
More sketchbook drizzings to jam up wavelength...
Another huzzah frontispiece.
the somewhat redundant results of my first battle with the Wacom graphics tablet...
OKAY- Hotmail did it AGAIN. They're history. I can now be reached at [email protected] please try sending them letters again... Hope you enjoy this happy happy sketch...
More sketchbook stuff. I've been trying to pull myself out of a slump, and have taken to practicing my basic anatomy and pancil technique. This has been spurred by the recent descovery of Cristian Goss's "The Red Star"- one of the few truly visually inspiring comics I've seen in years...
another pic I did for some video game project many moons ago... 1991, if I remember properly...
A true BLAST FROM THA PAST! Illo #1 in a series I did for an exclusive series is AJA#4- but considering AJA isn't around, anymore, it's exclusivity has become rather... shall we say- voluntarily tarnished?
A recent watercolor- you can see the a "history" of the painting at I still don't get out that much....
I took a break from the Kafka story to commemorate the long-overdue release of the first compendium of the english translation of "Avant L'Incal"- the prequel to Jodorowsky/Mobius's landmark "Incal" epic. I had forgotten how much I had enjoyed the original series, and this new release reminded me of the sheer genius of it all (foremost of which, I must admit, was Moebius's great artwork, with none of his downright horrible writing.)
ACHTUNG! The central committee is aware that my website is long overdue for an update, But my bourgeoise FTP server won't let me in! Chih yao yu heng hsin t'ieh ch'u mo ch'eng chen! (if only there is persistence, even an iron pillar will be ground into a needle- pardon my pinyin...)
A mock propaganda poster with Slovenian gibberish....
My first attempt at digital coloring- two characters I don't really draw anymore...
assorted stuff from my sketchbook- that's pretty much the only venue for my rapidly diminishing output... Blame ala those fine video game makers for creating such quality products (that, and a real job...)
Something that was previously posted to /binary... An artistic reminiscence of the toilets that I encountered during my trip to europe earlier this year... The true purpose of this post is to inform one and all that my site will be no more as of next week- the server that has carried my site for well onto four years now has decided to slide into oblivion, so I'm now looking into actually registering my own domain. Only time will tell.
Since it's been a few years, I decided to update my "portrait" photo. Here I am along with 3,000 folks listening to Ralph Nader tell it like it is. You can always spot me at a demo- I'm the only one there in a suit...
When I kicked the butt habit two weeks back, my brain left with it. It hasn't been fun, and the advice I get from pink-lunged neophytes who have never had to kick a habit more severe that chronic nose-picking has been about as useful as it is qualified. One day, I shall cross-hatch once more. Excelsior!
A rough little sketch done for a buddy. Not much new there- but I thought it worth an upload...
God bless America...
A stalinist penguin. I really shouldn't be polluting the airwaves of yerf with rough sketches, I know, but what the hey... BTW- I'm working on your picture, Jose- don't worry...
Another warmed-over sketch from the bowells of one of my sketchbooks.
"The Bucketrider" was a Franz Kafka Short Story that I Illustrated a few years back for Huzzah- I never posted them to Yerf, as I didn't want to cut into Dwight's profits. However, the issue in which it appeared has been sold out for quite some time, and I felt moved to post it here for your perusal. I'm currently illustrating a new Kafka story, but it'll take a while to complete (apologies for only posting the last half of the story yesterday- I thought it wouldn't post those last five until I hit "rebuild." Ah, well- it's all here now, and far less confusing...
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Eric Blumrich (Mr. Ploppy) —2/2 >