< 2/3— Sara Hellstrom (BluesInDrag)
- Of all little gothic ph0xes I've seen around, none of them has been really GOTH, as in the one true meaning of the word. Something needed to be done! People must stop living in ignorance! Goth is danceable, british and oversexed, NOT noble and full of wiccanism! Period!!
- I was at this festival for ambient and collage music. It was weird to sit on the floor listening ti some german guy pulling records on a three-armed player. But inspiring aswell. This pic is the result. Done last week I think.
- Things I don't usually draw #1: Meccas. This is Kirk the EVIL labrat and his destruction machine.
- Did these twee little bastards while watching commercials. And this is like the best thing I've drawn in weeks! haha I'm pathetic :P
- I'm on Yerf! This is how happy I am!
- Damn you hossy!
- Ruggys char Eurie playing a really big cello. Done for a trade.
- I felt for using the invertingtool. I'm also learning the cyrillic alphabet. yawn yawn.
- Grown together horses. I just wanted to make something look really outdated.
- I give to you; The Cosmic Skanker.
- Some lifedrawings from the farmland.
- Some tundra horse. This is the first time I've done an entire pic with pastels.
- I'm blocked. Like a pipeline full of old debrise and rotting hair.
- An arttrade with the very cute Tawnihoula. Shame I draw boring faces.
- A trade with Territhyme, of his snowfox char NenTuil. I'm no big fan of this whole werewolf cult but this was really fun. Look, native footwear!
- for the tp... Ocelot's cherberic gothbunny.
- Trading Post doodle...
- Shee, who looks just like me, and Tulip, her imaginary follower. Hope this is not to... undressed for Yerf..
- Photoshop doodle about nothing in particular...
< 2/3— Sara Hellstrom (BluesInDrag)