Lauren Bergholm (Ariel, Talia)
Hey there! Sorry it's been so long, but I've just got everything together at school. I just wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome, Yerfers are a friendly bunch! ;) This is an older pic I did for my schmoopie poo Candy (Arwin © her, of cerse!) I jus loooove Mucha don' you? fun fun!
I took a break from my film to do some fuzzy doodlies, I was tryin' to design a furry alter-ego fer myself, but as it stands she looks nothing like me! Ahwell... ;) Rebecca is © moi of cerse!
More 'Becca doodles done while listening to my Sean Altman CD. Ah groovy bouncy happiness makes everything better! I intend to color these sometime...hopefully in the not to distant future :P ;) Beckers is © me blah blah blah
Oooo fun with Photoshop! I jus doodled her up to practice my colorin' skills, but I kinda like her design, so perhaps I'll keep her around for somethin.. ;)
Did this one awhile back, she's a rehash of a char I came up with in 8th grade. Ah those're the days.. ;) Anywho, fun with colored pencils yay! ;) © moi of cerse
Erm...I'm not sure what he is actually...his name is Dido, and he has a sister, thats all I've got so far. Ah random furriness! © moi moi
This voluptuous Vixen is sitting pretty in her purple bikini. Purty purty! Done with gouche and colored pencils on 9in x 12in bristol board. It makes me happy. Also © moi
More randomness, be very afraid..jus tryin to get to know my new drawin' tablet. Mikey likes it! Hey Mikey!
It was agreed upon, by all my RISD buds that the animal I most resemble is a Meerkat. Personality-wise anyway, I ain't THAT skinny :) Inked and colored in Adobe. I'm © Myself
Awww, tis my fave lil cutpurse, Talia. She an' Arwin hang out somethimes. Charcoal pencils are niiice... Talia © moi, too
Well heres a piece I'm esp. proud of! It's a wolfie gal sittin in the snow in her red bikini. Don't ask me why! I suppose real wolves run around naked, so she shouldn't be too cold.... She measures 9in x 11 in and was done in gouche, acrylic, and colored pencils on bristol board. She's © moi of course
Lauren Bergholm (Ariel, Talia)