< 1/4— Angela Barefield (Meeka the Cat) —3/4 >
AIEE!! I've been attacked by a five year old with a supersoaker!!! :) This pic is inspired by the water fight that broke out at my church picnic :) Plus I wanted to do a really good Anime wild take. Happy Belated 4th of July to you all!! (Note to Silver Star and Swifty: I am currently working on both of your pics so PLEASE don't worry about them :)
The color version of my Hershey and Geoffery pic (as colorful as two black and white cats can get:)
Happy Mother's Day!!! This is a pic of Sally performing the ritual of "First Honor" as described in Dan Drazen's fan fiction "First Honor".
Happy Birthday to me :) and special thaks to Cuanu and Altarskunk for making this day special!
Merry Christmas EveryBody!!! :) From all of us to all of you! :) Irene is trying to take her place among the many winged skunks around here I guess :) Love that innocent Bambi-eyes look she has going there. Remember folks-- Jesus is the reason for the season :)
I _FINALLY_ made it back here!! I will put up a few pics about my trip later. Until then, enjoy this sketch I did on the plane :) I like this one because the eyes look very nice to me :)
A pretty skunkette drawn on black paper :) Her name is Irene in case you were wondering. (PS- Happy B-day to Daniel Slyder!)
Yet another piccie of Irene :) Thanks for that warm welcome Altarskunk! Yours phewly just may stick around now! :)
A pic of a young-looking Irene and Altarskunk :) Thanks so much for that nice b-day gift you sent! Hope you like the picture :)
From Walt Disney's Pinocchio (sp?) Jimeny Cricket! "And always let your conscience be your guide" :)
This is Jules the Hedgehog as he appears in Sonic 50. He is Sir Charles' brother and possibly the blue blur's dad.
Another pic of that Nimh mousette. Her name is Julia Mousimo. I like the way this one turned out MUCH BETTER!
A rare pic of Julia Mousimo relaxing in some regular '90's clothes. She actually has her glasses on now (which is why this pic is rare! She hates wearing them!)
"Good Times and Great Oldies... Kool 10.5!" Say hi to Kelly and Alfa from the Oldies morning show :) This is a thank you pic because without you I would not be sane. (One of my classes is at 7:30 which means I have to get up at the ungodly hour of 5:00am to get there on time!)
This is my tribute to Jimmy Stewart. One of my favorite lines that he said was something about "lassoing the moon". So that's what I'm doing in this pic. I would have put some song lyrics here too but I didn't have the time. (Thanks to Dan Slyder for the idea :) Jimmy was one of the BEST!)
Another pic of Lady Rosella of the Avalon Club. Because Jackolopes are primarally a myth of the American west, she's wearing some western style clothes. I couldn't convince her to trade in the gloves though ;) Lady Rosie is © ME!
It seems everyone has been putting up pics of what they would look like as kids. Here is my pic of me at about six or seven years old. Ain't I a cutie? ;)
Happy 25th piccie to me :) I know I'm not at 200 or something like Gene Catlow. Please just excuse me while I feel special! To celebrate, here is a pic of a young Princess Sally :)
And where would Sally be without her main squeeze? Here is a pic of a young Sonic :)
Watch as the MaineCoon cat scatters perfectly good bills for no apparent reason ;) (Reuploaded so you could see it better :) Enjoy! and don't forget my new e-mail address ([email protected])
On request by HardRock the Seal, here is a pic of her friend Mai Mao. She's a Siamese Cat. I hope she looks ok. I've never seen her picture or anything. In fact I had to find a picture of an actual Siamese to get the design and the colors)
A little experiment with manga tones :). Since this is for the Graphic Design portion of my portfolio, I wanted something slick in black and white (and nothing's better for that than manga-style work ^_^)
They say that imitation is the highest form of respect... well Cuannu, consider yourself honored! Thank you so much for that nice b-day pic! =^_^=
I love Meeces to Pieces! :) I saw a piccie up here saying to send a rat for the Ratman so here is mine :) Thanks for all your hard work! I made a whole lot of friends here and I appreiciate this place ALOT!!!
An anime style pic of Meeka :) Looks like I've been hanging around Sebrina and EG Foxfire's sections doesn't it :) Thanks for the inspiration ladies!! I really love your stuff!!
Thankies to Ciesal and Sebrina for their OH SO Kawaii pics of me! Sebs, I loved the jacket and I just had to find the purrfect accessory (my Main Coon t-shirt :) Ciesal I loved your rendition of me but ah... what happened to my ponytail? :) Heh Don't let that bug ya! It was really cool anyway!! Thank YOU ThanK YOU Thank YOU!!!! (I'll put up a piccie of Sebrina too! Me just has NO TIME!! :)
Look out NegaTrash!!! Tis I, Sailor MainCoon! The Champion of Justice! I will right all wrongs and triumph over evil!! And that means YOU!! :)
Hiyas folks ^_^ I went shopping with a friend of mine and saw a really cool outfit. Its the one Meeka-chan is wearing now. What's with that crazy duck behind her you may ask? That's D-kun, Meeka's new pet :) Kawaii neh?
Sorry I have been neglecting to upload for awhile but boy did I get a MAJOR birthday suprise!!! I got to go to DisneyLand and meet the Mouse himself (and yes I'm still floating on air and NO I'm never washing that paw ever again ;)
This is Meeka's ancestor Zena praying the Sinner's Prayer :) There is no moment so amazing in life as the moment when you give your heart to God. This picture is dedicated to Jesus!! :) Thank you Lord for saving me and giving me my talent and love for art. You are my inspriration forever!
< 1/4— Angela Barefield (Meeka the Cat) —3/4 >