Sean E. Andersen (Sneakers) —2/12 >
Akkorn, the street fighting squirrel Kickboxer. ©Sean E. Andersen. Thanks to Dwayne Madison
Amanda, the lovely panda, with her little fluttery friend
Aric, the destined hero of Furtasia.
Aric, hero of Furtasia, sword in hand, ready for action to defend his world from any and all evil that would dare infest itself on the land and it's people.
Aric doing some exploring
Aric of Furtasia, ready for a sword attack
Aric, hero of Furtasia, ready for battle. ©1998 Sean E. Andersen
Aric, the hero of destiny, ready for battle
Aric before a flame-like background. I was doing this pic with a mouse, and ended up ending up as a finished pic.
Aric, hero of Furtasia, armed with a bo staff
A portrait of Aric, hero of Furtasia Aric and Furtasia © Sean E. Andersen
Aric yielding his sword
Aric, hero of Furtasia, posing with sword in hand
Aric out in the wild....with his best sword
Aric's new look for his latest Adventure. Outfit design by Blackhat.
Aric in his classic outfit, armed, ready for action.
Another pic of Aric in his new outfit
A picture of Aric from my Legend of Ages storyline, drawn in Flash MX. This is the latest concept art of what his outfit looks like.
The dreaded Baron Bruiseheimer, the head honcho of the Street Furry Tournament.
Baron Otto Von Bruiseheimer pose
Baron Von Bruisehiemer charging up an attack
The wild west rabbit bountyhunter Buck Bounty
Sneakers with his Birthday cake, celebrating his 3rd birthday
Sneakers celebrates his 4th Birthday.
Here's a pic I did to celebrate Sneakers' 5th Birthday. April 21st 1998. ©1998 Sean E. Andersen
Sneakers' turns 6 and celebrates with an ice cream cone. :) Sneakers ©1999 Sean E. Andersen
Sneakers celebrates his 7th birthday on April 21st. ©2000 Sean E Andersen
Sneakers celebrates his 8th birthday
Sneakers' 7th annual birthday gif.
Has it been 10 years already? Here is Sneakers, in front of a collage of past pictures over the years. Sneakers himself was done in Adobe Illustrator 8. The rest in Photoshop 6. © Sean E. Andersen
Sean E. Andersen (Sneakers) —2/12 >