Self-inflicted wounds from a dirty mouth. Like our hopes and dreams, they will inevitably fester, marking the beginning of the end of an organism. Fortunately, said organism wasn't worth it's weight in fertilizer to begin with.
"Skorzy's Dragon" Micron Pigma on Meridian drawing paper. For you, Mr. Jeff. :} Sorry it's so late...I can't think of any way to pay you back for everything, so I'll keep showering you with silly doodles.
I love this guy.. :D Because of the hand-printed method, each shirt is unique--i.e. color and registration may vary slightly, but it all adds to the 'wearable-art' aspect of the shirts.
Hyena Un-altered version available for sale here: No reserve, one dollar opening bid. *groan* God, I'm a sell-out. Enjoy!
Striped hyena and cub... on sale at Furbid. I was saving it for AC, but I've got emergency vet bills that need to be paid ASAP. I'm selling other originals, plus a dutch sketch commission on the backs of Magic: the Gathering Artist Proofs!