Monica Raquel Meza (Monica MtLion, Pokemonica) —2/2 >
YNA had this little art theme going a while back. One week it was "Draw Your Character as a Baby" week. So, I took me and Chip'n'dip and tinkered around a bit! :)
An older pic that I drew of Laban and Monica in what almost were their Drum Major uniforms. We were getting a new teacher and promised the one that was leaving that we would be good...
A t-shirt design concept for my sorority. Done in graphite pencil.
A blind badger gypsy type lady. I was watching some movie with Kevin Spacey and there was some crazy lady in it that reminded me of Whoopi and Clio. Hrm. Furbid:
Who said that Hanson fans and Britney fans couldn't get along? Huh? My best friend and I get along JUST fine when discussing our musical tastes. See? Anyhoo, just trying to get more in the habit of drawing backgrounds! :)
Long overdue commission of Cassie for Earl Bacon. Prismas and microns.
I've finally got all my commissions done and decided to do a little project for my self: Michelle, Stephanie, and I walking around my crummy rendition of our college campus! Whoo hoo!
Whoohoo! I'm on yerf! this is my first upload. I was experimenting with background and simplistic design. There was something wrong with her hands and so I had to to crop the original piece to this. Done in prismacolor markers and colored pencils, and inked in micron archival pen.
A dry point print of a Griffon. Mmmm.
A commission for M Carpenter. The commission really brought to my attention that I need to do more study on landscape, among other things. Duma and Klaus are property of and copyrighted to M. Carpenter, 2003. For commission info, check here:
My boyfriend's cat (who is affectionately named Greyboy) can't see out of one eye. As cute as this cat is, however, he cannot be saved from the fact that he is a "typical idiot male". See, the reason he IS blind in one eye is because he likes to fight with raccoons and a few years ago one got the upper hand. So the other day my boyfriend tells me that Greyboy might now ACTUALLY be a one-eyed cat because, yet again, he lost a bout with another raccoon, who ruined his bad eye. The vet told my boyfriend that there's a good chance that Greyboy will lose his eye. Ouch!
As soon as all of the mess in my life gets cleared up (hopefully soon) I'll be working exclusively on backgrounds! *gasp* I have a portrait commission auction if anyone's interested:
Max is just a little character I came up with while trying to figure out a "spokes-animal" for a commision. It's for getting children to remember to take their iron pills. Yum. :p
A more recent picture of myself.
Some more computer coloring practice. Will be using this for new website layout/design. Bah. More to guess...
Monica MtLion taking a sort of amused glance at something. Primsacolor pencil and marker. Powerpuff Girls are cool. ;)
A commission for David Morris of my character dancing. :P This was an interesting challenge, being that my character and I aren't very nimble. Imagine that this is, I guess, a freeze-frame--right after this was taken, she falls down a flight of stairs. Yes.
A cute little mouse who's running around with his cupcake and stuff. Hrm. Onsale at furbid because I need lots of money fast.
Inspired by the pink marker tonight. Now that I'm off of school and have a dry spell in the employment department, I feel so creative. :P
I went and got myself all inspired by all the gryphons and stuff in recents! :) So I whipped out my Microns and a few Tria markers and came up with this little beauty! :) For sale on Furbid!
My first try at realism. Hrm. Cougar in prismacolors after a photograph my Karen Wyatt.
I was inspired to draw Alex and Monica after RL Alex (who has some drawings of mine from 7 years ago) told me that the improvement he saw in my art was "sexy." Not me that was sexy, or my ability...but the improvement itself. Ooookay. So, obviously, when I hear the word sexy, I think of myself being the total opposite. At In-N-Out Burger(where I am currently employed) we must say "Right On!" to confirm that we understand what we have just been told to do. I think that I make that face when I say it, too. "Get me a pan of lettuce!" "RIGHT ON!"
A commission that I did for Samoria of her and her fiance. Done with micron pens and watercolors. I shall remember to buy some watercolor paper next time...
This is a drawing that I did a while ago when I was taking art trades and requests (which I AM NOT doing anymore). The name's Skittles and, as I recall, the character belongs to Melanie "Toona" Carreira.
The current Monica MtLion. Practice with micron brushpen. I'm quite proud of the whole set up of the piece, except for, maybe, her wrist. :)
My little Tiger cub! Isn't he cute! He's on sale, too! Yea! I really like this drawing! :D
A little graphic that I want to use for a website. Betxi Bear belongs to Alpha Xi Delta National Fraternity.
Drew in his Sr Ball attire. I tried a new coloring technique for this one. Perhaps I should draw the kilt he wore to his prom...
Eh...he ain't an ex anymore. Came crawling back. Heh heh. His birthday is valentines day and this is what I drew him :) If anyone wants prints of this, head on over to my site!
A commission for Michael Russell of Vicki and my characters meeting for the first time at the Pecan Festival. Chip'n'dip somehow made his way into the pecan pie. :P Done in prismacolor colored pencils and tria markers. Vicki is copyright to Michael Russell and the rest are copyright to me.
Monica Raquel Meza (Monica MtLion, Pokemonica) —2/2 >