some dog dragon thing that was lurking around. i prooomise that i will soon have things that aren't sketches coloured with a mouse on a laptop. gross!
a more realistic rendition of my favourite dog Scruffy.
just a little doodle; sometimes sketches can be a lot more dynamic than a finished piece. Spades and Abe are, like, dancing fiends
an illustration for school done in an Indian art style with just a touch of Aubrey Beardsley inks. i coloured this up in painter
haha. majestic gryphon.
HE IS BACK (an exercise with acrylics. not too shabby for a first try, i don't think)
"Lord McCooper"--for Falcon McCooper, post 52.
a watercolour painting touched up with gouache. (reuploaded, better scan and touchups)
this is drawn on a piece of wood; it was for Scruffy for his birthday originally. i started this in mid-January after I had met the very talented T'(homas Blue) and was just inspired...this ended up being a Valentine's Day gift instead. it didn't scan very well, but you get the idea...!
logo I did for a new local convention...i'm new at this stuff, but i thought i'd give it a shot, and turns out they really liked it! if you're interested, information on FurFright can be found here:
imagery from a dream i had...very strange! that's spades and abecat, by the way :>
lissa's space gorilla character. uuh, this might be a little out of character for this guy...OH WELL
the grace of rust
This is why I don't draw gryphons. Yay! this is the companion piece to the red dragon, and will be for sale at C-ACE! :D
everyone's favourite bug, Gryllus! this drawing is rather small, it's done on this weird random grey scrap of paper i found on the floor in my closet.
badge for Indigofox. hope to see some of you at C-ACE!
one for ippy...
haha D:< niki gets a knuckle sandwich.
doop dee doo...
just another one of those annoying badges
i found a little piece of wood in my room so i drew on it with coloured pencils. this is for kanawinkie. it looks nicer in person. :/
'king of spades' playing card design. pen + nibs, watercolour, acrylic, coloured pencil, other stuff...
a quick cute thing for a baby's birthday :>
a poster design for a friend's project (T did some posters, too!). chock-full of cryptic imagery and strange, strange things!
i am at peace...first thing i've drawn for myself in...a very long time.
a page of finished sketches (oxymoron?)...krandy, favourite beast of ultimate evil! awee!
commission for M. Carpenter of one of his chracters. i liked drawing her dress.
done for a trade with Lyosha...i think he's kind of cute!
this is Magdalene, a sort of mishmosh of different critters...she's a clumsy (beginning) magic user, and accidentally transported herself to another dimenson. and, uhh, this is all i've had time to draw, final projects here at college are killing me!
commission for Monica Meza...i guess it came out alright!