Ursula Husted
8X10 inches, watercolor, pencil and ink on illustration board. This was another sketch that got out of hand. I love the musical movies of the 1920s and 30s so this is a small tribute to the leading ladies of that era. A Thoroughly Modern Vixen, if you will pardon it. ^_~ Lots of silly jokes in this one.
"... and Rabbit looked for the moon and saw it's giant glowing mochi surface at the top of the trees. " Watercolor and ink, 10' by 15'. Old fable. Furrlough cover #115. Radio Comix.
Isn't this a strange little piece? It scanned a little dark and is on 5 by 7 inch clay coated wood with watercolors. He is an eastern lumpnosed bat, an endangered species native to the North American Midwest, and lost.
It only makes sense that a bat-eared fox would wear the dancing garb favored by Samburu women in Kenya, right? Okay. Maybe I just like obscure foxes and neat costumes. (watercolor, a little pencil, and ink on mat stock, 5.5" by 9" )
An older piece from 2002. Just a little clockwork wing retrospective. I'm not sure why I draw so many of them. It's a 'thing' I guess.
An updated and better scan of my small oil painting. Prints on furbid. ^_^
iPlaid. Reuploaded with tweaks and new info. Hey, it's fun.
This picture, (my pencils, Phil's inks) and a few others like it, is in the new Jadeclaw sourcebook, put out by Sanguine Productions. Go look for it!
Taking a suggestion from Lonnie while playing with flat color in photoshop. Two lady 'yotes admist strange blue cacti. this one made me think of McMoo...
I'm the one with the goggles.
My friend Hikari told me that Japanese cows do not say Moo. They say Mo(u).(long "o" sound) So here is a funky mixed media cow, with her calf, saying "Mo(u)mo(u)".
15X5 inches, watercolor, pencil and ink on illustration board. This was a sketch that got out of hand. A bit of got cut off in the scan. I was pleased with the softness and illustrative qualities in this piece. This one will be available in prints and the original is headed for Further Confusion.
"I am a story teller." I was given 3 sheets of cheap construction paper, a 'zacto blade, and a can `o rubber cement and told to do a self portrait based on one sentance for my 214 graphic arts class. Old old old, but kinda nifty. :)
Watercolor and ink. 10 by 15 inches. January Furrlough cover (#121) and MwFF sponsor print. (Happy new year 'o the sheep!)
This 11 by 14 watercolor (my pencils and colors, Phil Morrissey's inks) will be up for auction at Memphit Furmeet to benefit Tiger Haven ( a no kill sanctuary and rescue facility for big cats. :)
More art stockpile for FC. This one is based on the old English magpie counting rhyme. Colored pencil, 12X20in. I wish that I could have captured the mellow colors of the piece in this photo. They're much smoother in person and a little less red.
This was an anthrocon sketch for Jim Allen's little "Devils and Angels" book, watercolor and ink. The paper had an interesting tooth to it which rendered my crayolas less forgiving than usual.
Drawn and manip'ed for Hit the Beach, the Radio Comix swimsuit annual. I love the art in news stand pulps. This is my downright silly tribute to those wonderful and sadly often unnamed artists of the 4-color trash rack. The imprint (logo in the upper corner) is mine and the book that I scanned was a much beloved paperback copy of Catch 22.
Colored pencil and ink over gold leaf and oil paint on illustration board. 25X18 inches(ish). I had originally planned on having it be a hazy, impressionistic piece, but a little tube of oil paint got mixed in with my tube watercolors and I had to go all out to save the darn thing. The muscley bits were fun to draw though.
Ursula Husted