ixi + Snape + Wormtongue + Mysterious Veiled Arch + the fact that the writers accidentally labeled the card as being female = hilarity ensues. Weird, awkward hilarity.
My TP entry for The Ratgirl's alias, AngstVulpine! Hardcore, I know. Anywho, it's not often that I get the chance to draw angstgothtorturedsoul characters, so I quite enjoyed doing this. (red) Ink & Pen.
Today's program is brought to you by the letter "A," as in the armadillo or the african wild dog. Illustration for my theoretical children's book, thatbeing "The ABC's of obscure animal life." No, armadillos aren't terribly obscure, but it's so darned cute...
Walking home the other day, I managed a glance of a mommy 'yote and her pup, sauntering across my path. They lazily glanced at me fer a moment, and the pup had the cutest look on it's face... Voila, new picture!
No no, I swear, before you attack, this has a meaning! This disturbing plethora of disney cuteness was a dare from a friend who said that I was too chicken to draw cute glop. So Ha to that anonymous person. Ha, I say!
On recent yerf messageboard postings, people were saying that I had no style and that I was a 'copycat.' Pleasant business, that. Anywho, I thought I'd post this due to that I rarely post my sketchbook doodles some of which are my best works. Enjoy!
He really isn't hanging the painting in his living room, but having him horizontal to the picture plane like that... Yes, well. Anyway, this is the awesome result of a 2D Design assignment in which we were supposed to focus on the 'language' of our Nature Lab full of taxidermy. Fun! (Pencil & Gouache, 15" x 22")
I can offically flaunt the fact that I work for Neopets now that I've been 18 for a good week or so (huzzah!), so I'm uploading a new 'me' photo from this weekend... I've never drawn so many cutefierydragonthings in one sitting.
Just doodled up in class one day in response to a comment made during our dialogue. One of my male classmates would most definitely be personified as a donkey, methinks.
'The Hubble, in oh-so-sexy threads, on a date with burrowing owl named Francis. Hey, look! He's got one of them cool umbreller-things in his drink!' Yerf: Where the Cool Things Are.