<June 18, 2004>
Proteles cristatus...the insectivorous hyaenid, now in Toon Form!
Dinner time for Maximus.
Ink and prismacolor pencils on VELLLUUUMMMMMMM! Coloration roughly inspired by a quetzal. Mmm, quetzals.
Kinda speed painting, so it's really not the best, but... it has shiney colors? O_o Painter smoosh.
Waugh, a kirin! Ink and prismacolor pencils on Vellllllum.
Light source? I don't need no stinkin' light source.
Umm...yeah, what started as a little sketch of Ayshia, manifested itself into this. *sigh* Why am I more productive when I need to be doing something else?
Edited for Yerf - see my DeviantArt ('reaperfox') for the real thing. This was some simply because I wanted to be a pain in someone's butt. He was a pain in MY butt for two years at university, and after a little bit of Livejournal drama (don't you just LOVE that LJ drama?) I finally wigged out and told him where to go. Part of the last straw was when he launched a full scale attack on my love of 80s New Wave music - simply because it was the ONLY attack he had. My response? This. Kiss my 80s tail. *sweet smile*
Just a little doodle I did the other day, only uploading it to remind people that Reaperfox actually IS still orange colours, too :P What can I say? I couldn't make my mind up.
Requiem for a Soul - this picture means a lot to me; it's *very* reflective of who I am. Reaperfox, or Requiem, to call her by her name, is me, and every inch of her design is fabricated around my own loves, whims, desires, obsessions and fancies, from the markings on her leg, to the diamond on her ear. All represent a facet of who I am. I had a lot of fun with this picture. :)
An early attempt at a comic. I got lots to learn, but I like these guys. Writing by the spousal unit, pictures and smooshed lettering by me!
<June 18, 2004>